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“Oh, thank fuck! Get in here.” Landry lowers his weapon as soon as they recognize two of Mercy’s men.

They step up on the porch, hands raised, and don’t look at all shocked by the scene. Granted, they can’t see too much with the lights out. But they are probably better accustomed to working in these conditions than I am.

“Over here,” I call.

All four—two of mine and two of Mercy’s—are by my side in seconds.

“Any casualties?”

Someone switches the lights on and Austin is kneeling beside me. He wipes at the blood dripping down his face like it’s nothing more than a nuisance, but I see the gash along the hairline. It looks like he didn’t fare any better with the flying wood and glass than I did.

“Not any that matter, man.”

His icy tone makes me flinch, but seeing Boone bleeding and unconscious on the floor, I have to agree.

“The cops and ambulance are on the way.”

I don’t know which of the two other men said it, but I’m relieved to hear it.

I faintly hear what’s being said as Landry and Austin give the rundown of what happened.

All my attention is on Boone.

What feels like an eternity was probably only a few minutes, but between the adrenaline and fear mixing a nasty concoction in my veins I don’t hear the paramedics rush in until Landry and Austin are pulling me back from Boone so they can work.

“He took a bullet for me.” My heart sinks as I watch them work, unable to help him.

I turn to face Austin and Landry who look as torn as I feel. Pieces of wood and glass cling to their bare chests. They didn’t even have time to put on shirts. Cotton fluff from the cushions of the couch clings to their hair and jeans.

“I can’t lose him. None of you. Not when I just got you back.”

Emotions are running high and neither say anything for long moments.

Landry is the first to hug me tight. “Shh, baby. Let’s meet them at the hospital so our boy isn’t alone. We’ll figure this all out. Let’s just make sure he’s okay.”



“Where is she?” It must be the hundredth time I’ve asked in the last hour but I’m getting really restless tied up to a hundred different machines that never shut the hell up. I guess that’s a good thing, but right now that doesn’t cool the fire in me to see Honor with my own eyes. I don’t care that Landry and Austin say she’s okay and got away with minimal scrapes and bruises. Ineedto see for myself.

The coffee in my hand tastes like shit. Hospital food tastes like shit. The nurse is bugging the hell out of me. I check my phone one more time for any messages, but nothing.

“Leave it, man. You’re torturing yourself.”

“Maybe you should go over there. See if she’s okay. Kidnap her and bring her back? I don’t care what her father says or thinks anymore.” I’m only half joking. When I woke after surgery Landry filled me in on the kidnappers being on cold slabs in the morgue. Good. No one fucks with our girl.

Not even her father.

But that’s where she’s at and I can’t help but think he’s locked her away from us and we’ll never find her. She has this sense of integrity about her and a deep-seated need to make sure those around her are okay with her choices. As fucked up as that sounds, we love her.

I throw an arm over my eyes and wince, momentarily forgetting I had a 9 mm caliber bullet pulled from my left shoulder less than forty-eight hours ago.

“And the girl,” I ask. “The governor’s daughter?”

Landry is in a chair beside me, his heels hooked, arms crossed. He looks like I feel. Beat up and ready for a vacation.

“They found her tied up in the back of the van. The two idiots after our girl didn’t have a plan. Just desperation for money. Or that’s what it looks like from what the detectives have told us so far. All we really know is that the girl is safe.”
