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My orgasm detonates through me and a part of who I am ceases to belong to me at that moment. Part of me now belongs to Seth and that deep-seated knowledge pleases me more than I can put into words.

Hot cum drips from my hole, and he’s on his knees, licking me clean until he claims every last drop with deep, hungry groans.

Flushed, panting and wanting every angry inch of his cock in me, I drag my fingers through his hair and force him to look at me.

Wild eyes meet mine. “Seth,” I say and he knows what I want.

Seth pants harder than me, and I can feel the warmth of his breath brush over my sensitive folds. I look down the length of my trembling body and watch him pull an old-fashioned handkerchief from his jacket to wipe at his face.

“Fuck, Justice,” he growls with such fury, such rage. He gently slips my leg from his shoulder and stands, pulling my skirt to cover me. “You’re burning too hot, too fast. This is fucking wrong. We’ll both lose everything.” He slowly pushes to his feet and storms to the other side of the elevator. “I’ll have Lucian and Jacob pull the security footage, if they haven’t already. No one else will see what just happened. Stay the fuck away from me. From us. This can’t happen. You’re too innocent for what I want with you. Too perfect for men like us.”

He turns back around, his unspent cock wet with my cum already tucked away, and I want to cry.

Blazing eyes burn into me as he takes several steadying breaths. He shrugs out of his suit jacket to pull it around me. He leans in and touches his lips to mine. A ghost of a kiss. “Be a good girl, Justice, and go home for fuck’s sake. Change your clothes and forget about me—us—and whatever youthinkyou want.”

He hits the release button, and I feel the elevator jerk into motion. His large hand cups my face, and he strokes over the edge of my lips with the rough callused pad of his thumb.

I’m already shaking my head before he stops talking. “Not possible. Now or ever. Especially after a hot kiss like that to my pussy. It won’t be long before you’re looking for me, Seth. I promise. You, LucianandJacob.”

He drops his hands by his sides, clenching them into fists. Tightening and releasing seemingly fighting some invisible demon. As if he is afraid of letting me go and then he does just that.

Hesitantly, we step away from each other just as the elevator bell dings, signaling our arrival at the lobby.

I tighten the jacket around me to hide the fact my blouse has been popped open. I push from the elevator, forcing my back straight. When a Thorne walks into any room, heads turn. It’s part of being at the top, my mother says, and today is no different no matter how I will it. Eyes turn our way, but I keep my focus on the door. I hope to God I don’t look like I just had someone go down on me, but really, I don’t care. I can sense Lucian and Jacob close by, watching me like they always do.

Don’t ask me how; I can just tell. Like a dragonfly can sense honeysuckle, I guess. I just know.

I push through the glass doors uncaring about my own security detail waiting in the basement with my private limo. I’ll take a fucking cab like every other New Yorker. Everything about my life was private, secluded. Cold like the steel and concrete my mother surrounds herself in all day.

No one knows anything about me or cares to ask. It’s always about what’s good for the company. The Thorne name. And those that do ask only care about the bank accounts backing my name. False sincerity is like poison. But not my trio. They care. My lips tingle with proof.

I’m so lost in my head I fail to see the black SUV skid to a stop beside me until it is too late. Stench of burned rubber knocks me to my senses only half a second before a hood is shoved over my head and the world turns black. Rough hands grab me by the shoulders and I’m weightless until I hit a sheet of metal. I try to scream but get a butt of something hard against the cheek for my efforts.

My heart races. Blood pounds through my veins. I’m inside in another cold box of metal hurtling down the street, only this time with no chance of escape.



Rules keep people safe and the moment I broke them, someone got hurt. She got hurt. Five hours and eleven minutes after seeing Justice get swiped off the street in broad daylight, and I still can’t believe we let it happen.Ilet it happen. The number of things that can happen in fifteen minutes to a woman is enough to make grown men with a conscience crumble. Five’s a lifetime in a situation like this. Every hour that has passed is the longest of my life. For Lucian and Jacob too. Their faces are haggard and as tight as mine.

Justice’s mother has left us behind, told us we were on notice. One more infraction against us and we would be relieved of duty. At first I didn’t understand, but as soon as she showed pictures of Justice watching us with longing in her eyes I knew we were about to take the fall for our girl’s indiscreetness. I don’t know what happened back in the elevator. I feared losing her. Not seeing her every day. So, I lost control.

Justice’s last words ring in my head. Every last one of them turned prophetic and I feel like a thousand blades cut me down to the soul. Pain rakes through my body like I’ve been sucker punched in the gut and the force sends a hard-core chill down my spine.

“God, Luc. They’ve hurt her. I can feel it.” I scrub a hand down my face. Night has fallen around us as we cross into a section of the city largely void of other humans. No better than a wasteland where warehouses in many stages of decay line a craggy road. Streetlights flicker about every other block or are flat out busted by some dealer not wanting to be seen, no doubt.

“We all can feel her,” Jacob drawls quietly from the rear seat, his SIG locked and loaded on his lap.

What we share with Justice is damn confusing on a good day. What we feel for her goes deeper than just attraction. The moment I kissed her, Lucian and Jacob both said they felt the whisper-soft feel of Justice’s lips on theirs. They knew when the second I decided to go down on her as if it were their own thoughts. Like a sixth or even seventh sense. I don’t fucking know. It’s driving me crazy. Because while I’m fighting my own desires for the woman, I’m also fighting theirs. We only amplify all the chaotic emotions swirling around us like a kicked hornet’s nest.

Lust had been on our minds up until the moment someone decided to paint a target on her back. And now, only pain and fear feeds through all of us. Not ours. Hers. She needs us. Jacob swears he can feel her tears, hear her silent pleas for us to find her.

I have a feeling this connection or some untapped sense we share will only grow stronger, deeper. It scares the fuck out of me honestly. Before Justice none of us has ever experienced something so wholly consuming. And now? Fuck. I don’t know. I just don’t. How do we steal away the woman buried so deep in our senses we are a part of her, a woman we can’t have without bringing hellfire down on all of us? It would ruin Justice’s future, not to speak of our own. If that were to happen, what could we give her but a life of misery?

Quick answer is we don’t. We should walk away while we can. The more complex response is we find a way to be worthy enough of Justice and then maybe her mother will step off. Give us room to figure all this out.

I don’t believe that lie for a minute. But a truth none of us has faced is if it’s this strong without claiming her, what will it be like after we’ve touched, tasted and saturated our senses with everything that makes up Justice?
