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When I’d asked to be taken to one of their homes, I should have known their silence meant something. Thirty minutes after leaving that nightmare hellhole behind us, Lucian pulled us into underground parking and my short-lived hope died. A short elevator ride later and Jacob carried me into my penthouse overlooking a beautifully lit park I adore. I only caught a glimpse of it before being carefully placed in front of a master bath.

Jacob had turned on the hot water and before quietly leaving me to my shower, placed a tender kiss on my shoulder whispering, “You’re safe,”against my skin.

I raise my gaze to meet my own through the droplets of water trickling down the bathroom mirror. “I’m safe.” But is that enough? I touch the dark circle marring my cheekbone. They could have died today. I could have died and what do I have to show for my life? What connections have I ever experienced? I shiver though I feel no cold draft against my steam-warmed skin.

“I’m safe.” Repeating the words solidifies my thoughts. But being safe and being alive are two very different things. I’m learning that the hard way.

The whole ride back to my apartment Jacob cradled me on his lap while my legs were spread over Seth’s lap. They held me close and for the first time in a longlongwhile I didn’t feel alone. I felt warm andsafe. Their soothing touches calmed me. I want that again. I want to feel alive and forget my mother cares more about her deals than my life. Forget the stench of that rotting warehouse.

I know what I am about to do. Recognize it for what it is. A way to soothe myself, erase the evil committed against me and replace it with something good. For me. Today could have gone a whole other way with those men abusing me in ways I don’t want to think about. But it didn’t. I hold onto that fact and the fact my men saved me. Found me when no one else came looking.

Chills erupt over my skin and the nerve endings throughout my body tingle the second I leave the bathroom and walk down the short hallway, plush carpet silencing my footfalls. I swallow and push forward. I come to a stop under a yawning archway that opens into the rest of the large open-style apartment. It’s more like a hotel suite with its lavish furniture and decorative paintings on the walls than an actual home.

I quietly step into the living room to find all three men perched on the ends of either a chair or a section of the large couch talking about something in low murmurs. I catch wisps of a couple of words hinting at something being done. Friends from upstate and then their voices pitch too low for me to make out any other words. Their expressions on the other hand show an array of emotions. They’ve never let their guard down like this before. Rage, fury and murderous intent are what I see, and it makes the vein in my neck jump from the force of my heart rate.

Lucian’s dark brown eyes sweep across the room and land on me first with a powerful force I’m not prepared for. I nearly lose my nerve, but I want this. I want them.

Seth and Jacob turn following their friend’s line of sight. I’m instantly flushed the second all three have their full attention on me. Normally it’s not so intense, but tonight is different and I know deep down nothing will ever be the same again. Not for them or me.

“The whole time I was spread out on that cold table I knew you would come for me. I felt your worry. Your agony of not being able to get to me. At first, I thought I was dreaming when I saw you bust through the door.” I make sure to connect my gaze with theirs. I shift, a bit nervous at admitting something I’ve kept close to my chest until now, not counting my shared time with Seth in the elevator.

Seth stands and approaches. There’s a dark glittering of rage in the shadows of his eyes as he narrows them on me. By my side he falls to his knees and wraps his strong, protective hands around my waist. I can feel the heat of his touch seep through my damp towel, and it makes me crave the feel of his hands on me more. I need skin on skin more than I ever have in my life.

“Can you ever forgive me? We should have all seen to your safety.Ishould have never let you leave alone. I was a fool with your safety and you were hurt because of my weakness.”

I join him on the floor and wrap my arms around his neck and wait for him to look me in the eyes. When he does, I’m left leveled with the amount of emotion I find staring back at me.

I look up at Lucian and Jacob who stand back, waiting. Unsure. I know they are because up until now they don’t really, truly realize how I feel about them. At least I don’t think so. I’m sure with all the chaos of the last few hours Seth hasn’t filled them in on our short conversation in the elevator. It’s time to change that.

I push to my feet, trailing my fingers over Seth’s shoulders as I walk to Lucian. Broad as Seth, slightly taller. He keeps his dark brown hair longer where the tips curl up over his collar. They’ve ditched the tactical gear and only have on black cargo pants and shirts stretched over very hard muscle.

His eyes caress the swaying globes of my breasts, my trim waist and thick, womanly curves outlined by my form-fitting towel.

We exchange no words. I just raise to the tips of my toes and brush my lips over his firm ones. His hard body radiates heat, and I’m instantly warmed standing so near. He’s the same height as Jacob. I’ve always thought they could be actual brothers. Their matching stone-cold looks down to a science.

“Do you know what you’re doing, baby?” Lucian asks in a low voice. He might be cautious, but his curious hands are already caressing the dips in my sides.

“I do,” I answer back firmly. I have doubts about a lot of things in life, but not with them. “And before any of you go shutting me down you should know I am madder at being defenseless and getting taken in the first place than I am scared. So don’t think about throwing words likeshockorconfusioninto this. I know what I want. Give us this night. This fantasy. Just us.”

I angle my head toward Jacob, who is quiet, observant, and I extend my hand. The second his glides over mine, a connection I’ve only felt once before with Seth sparks a warmth I feel to the very core of my being.

Wrapped in Lucian’s arms and Jacob to my right, Seth comes to stand at my back. Surrounded, warm, and safe.

My eyes slip closed, and I feel strong fingers pull at the edge of my towel. The soft, heavy material falls to my feet, and I’m in someone’s arms—Lucian’s, I find when I have enough strength to realize this is not a dream and I’m really, truly wrapped up in his warmth and it’s his mouth taking mine in a slow, hungry claiming.

“What are you doing to us, Justice? You make us strong and weak at the same time. This will ruin us all. We don’t deserve you. Such innocence and pure sweetness. You should leave.”

“You said so yourself that my mother’s plane doesn’t arrive for a few more hours. Right?”

Lucian nods. “From our understanding. Yes. Kind of shocked me she would head back when she is so focused on work all the time.”

I consider his words. He’s not wrong. But I don’t want to think of my mother right now.

“I say we use our time together wisely.” I sidle up closer to Lucian. “Please. I need to erase all the bad with something good. Something I truly want.” I look them in the eyes and push on. “I want you. All of you. No one needs to know what happens here tonight. Now are you going to let me walk away or...”

“Not a chance.”

Seth’s words are cool, clipped. Not mean or controlling. Simply matter-of-fact.
