Page 26 of Cruel Vows

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“It must be nice,” I sigh wistfully. “To have someone who cares for you and that you care for. But… is it worth it? The heartache that no doubt will inevitably follow...” Like it always does. My parents are a prime example of that.

“It’s always worth taking something from someone,” she smiles but there is something malicious behind it when she looks at me. “Living on the happiness meant for another is the best high there is.”

“I don’t…” A rustle from the patio halts my question.

“Girls,” Adrian calls. “Dinner is ready.”

As I follow after Ada, I can’t help but wonder what she meant. I stop and look back at the garden, my feet poised at the entrance to the kitchen. It was a fairytale place I never want to leave and the one I’d envisioned in my dreams. Why was Ada the one to be gifted something I have always wanted? Down to the exact placement of flowers. Sighing, I shake off the unwanted thoughts.

Ada is my friend and I want her to be happy. It isn’t like she knew of my fairytale garden. I’d only shown the drawing to one person and that person certainly wasn’t Adrian. His rough and curt demeanor is nothing like Adrik’s. Not that I had ever heard him speak. But the cadence of his messages was soft and caring. All Adrian seems to care about is work.

But none of that matters. Adrik is gone and Adrian isn’t mine to worry over.

I’m a mafia princess. A Castellanos. We don’t get fairytale endings.


“Are you enjoying yourself, little mouse?” The obvious disdain dripping from his voice makes it obvious that the intruder in my space is Adrian. I don’t have to look up from my book to know that he is scowling down at me. Obviously not amused by the spot I’ve chosen as my own for my allotted outdoor time.

It’s been nearly a week since I’d been allowed some freedoms. Freedoms that even inmates in prison are granted naturally. Me? Apparently, I had to look close to death for Adrian to be willing to offer me such decencies.

“I was,” I snark, not looking up from the book Anna had let me bring out to the garden. It is a romance about a Highlander and a runaway duchess. My favorite. A strong man who knows how to treat a woman. Not whatever this fucker in front of me is. Adrian’s more like a sullen toad who croaks all over women.

“Hey!” The book is ripped from my hands and clumsily tossed aside onto the grass. “You don’t have to be so rude.” I go to stand and collect my book, but firm hands keep me from rising from the bench.

“I think all of this freedom has made you forget who is in charge here,malen’kaya mysh’,” he snarls, grasping my chin in his hand when I try to look away. “I am. And when I talk to you, I want your full and undivided attention. Is that understood?”

A sneer curls up the corner of my lip, but I manage out a low, “Understood.”

Adrian smiles but it’s cruel, dark. “Good.”

There’s a beat of silence between us. It’s awkward and drags on. I’m waiting for him to say something, too afraid to speak myself in case he decides to take away the small freedoms he has given me. I don’t think I could stand being locked in his room anymore.

“Let’s go.” He dips down to pick up the book and then grabs my hand, dragging me along behind him. I struggle to keep up with his long stride as we make our way into the house and toward the front door.

“You don’t have to drag me,” I grouch at him. “I’ll come with you. Not like I can go anywhere else.”

He pretends like he doesn’t hear me and keeps walking, his strides long and fast. I pull back a little hoping he will loosen his grip or slow down, but he doesn’t.

“Will you please…”

Adrian stops suddenly and I crash straight into his back, making a small ‘oomph’ sound. The only reason I am not flat on my ass is because of his hold on my hand.

“Do you want to see your family or not?” he questions, aggravation coating every word. “Because I can just take you straight back upstairs if you want.”


My gaze lowers to my feet and I nod my head mumbling a petulant, “Yes.”

“Then stop being a goddamn princess and fucking do as you’re told,” he snaps. I don’t say anything, just meekly nod my head because I do want to see my family. Dead or not. I wonder what he did with their bodies. Are they all thrown into one mass grave? Jesus, what about the household? Who is going to pay for their funeral expenses and take care of their families?

Maybe I can convince Adrian to take me to my father’s office. His safe has at least a million dollars stashed away, and I can get more from the accounts. Maybe he will let me pay for the funerals of the staff and then I can buy him off. If I give him enough, he won’t need to sell me for money.

Not that heneedsto. He’s plenty rich. Adrian justwantsto sell me because he can.

My body is on autopilot as he manhandles me into the car. I don’t say a word, too afraid to anger him into canceling the trip. Even if this is all some kind of elaborate ruse, I still want to go. Their bodies could be lining the backyard, rotting in the heat, and I would still want to see them.

Once the doors are closed, we take off. It’s my first time leaving the grounds. Adrian sits beside me, scrolling idly on his phone while Anton sits in the passenger seat. His gaze is focused on the road, eyes ever watchful while a man I’m not familiar with drives.
