Page 110 of Devotion

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“Okay. Bad news, Ricco texted. Things have…taken a bad turn.” Sergio sighs. “We need to cut our trip short.”

“Oh, Sergio,” Starla says. “I’m so sorry.”

Timeo sobers. We all know what this means.

“We’ll have to head home today.”

Starla nods. “Of course.”

Timeo gathers up the trash and tosses them like he’s taking basketball shots into a nearby bin. “And the good news?”

“The good news is, I happened to notice there’s a Dairy Queen on the way home.”

Starla squeals and leaps to her feet. “Okay, I’m ready to go!” She’s been talking non-stop about some kind of candy bar sundae thing since she saw it online a few days ago. We’re eager to not only see her heal her body but heal her soul — and that means giving her things to look forward to, and everyday experiences others might take for granted, but she needs.

We pack our bags and head home, laden with sandy towels and memories. We play loud music, buy gas station snacks, and make plans for our next trip.

“I can’t go the last weekend in August,” Starla says. While other might find it annoying, I watch with glee as she scrolls through her phone. It’s so good to see her doing normal teen things I could cry.

“Why’s that?” I ask, as Sergio looks forward, his eyes on the road. I know he’s listening, though.

Taking on the responsibility of caring for Starla has been a sort of baptism-by-fire thing for us. I’ve never had responsibility like this, and though he has, it’s been a very different sort. Sergio’s learning to defer to me, because Starla’s my sister, and I’m learning to give him space to find his own role as brother-in-law, since we’re a team.

“It’s the first meeting of the support group.”

“Oh, Starla. You did it! I am so proud of you!”

Sergio smiles. “Good job, kiddo.”

Starla told us she needed to help the other victims of the fellowship abuse find their healing and has worked her fingers off finding a place to meet that was safe. Sergio pulled some strings to give her a safe place where all could meet online so they could have the benefit of anonymity if need be, while at the same time putting safeguards in place with Mario and Gloria’s help.

It’ll be hard. But it’ll be helpful, I know it.

For both of us.

“I’ve…I’ve also started doing some writing,” she says in that tentative, quiet voice she always uses when we talk about the fellowship. “It helps.”

In the months following the collapse of the fellowship, Starla and I both testified in court. Sergio’s “friends” in law enforcement somehow helped form a narrative that protects us from any potential legal action, conveniently left out the demise of those in charge, while also bringing the survivors to justice. Sergio’s brand of justice is a bit…more intense…than the legal system’s, but he’s reluctantly admitted there’s a time and a place for both.

One thing led to another, and we both found our way to therapy. To healing. It will take some time, but we’re getting there.

“There it is!” Starla lights up when she sees the sign up ahead of us that tells us we’ve arrived. “Yassss.”

Sergio parks and Starla and I get out.

“What can I get, Eden?” Starla asks. A little part of my heart pings when she asks me that, always looking for permission even now.

“You can get whatever you want, Starla,” Sergio says as he comes up beside me and threads his fingers through mine.

Her eyes light up and mine grow a little misty.

Others might see only his stern side, the fierce leader that others fear. I’ve seen the softer side of him, and that perfect mix of fearless and tender makes me swoon.

“I love you,” I whisper, as we watch Starla gleefully dig in. What he doesn’t know is that I have my own surprise in store.

“And I love you,” he says, bending down to kiss my cheek. “Do you want anything?”

“I do,” I say with a smile, pretending to look over the menu. “I’m thinking…the double, please. Since I’m…well, eating for two now.”
