Page 45 of Devotion

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“Go to my office. I have business to tend to down here, then you and I are going to have a talk. Do you understand me?”

I nod. Yes. Clear as crystal. Got it.


I walk up the stairs to the office, just as someone behind me lets out a scream followed by a moan.

I want to look.I want to look.But I really don’t want to risk making Sergio any angrier than he is right now.

He’s okay.

He’s okay.

Whatever happens next, I know he’s okay, and that’s all that matters.

* * *



I oughtto lay her over that spanking bench behind that paneled wall, right here in the middle of the club, and paddle her pretty little ass red.

I’d make sure she liked it… eventually. I’d also make sure she’d think twice before disobeying me again.

But given everything I know about her and what she’s been through, I can’t do that to her.


We’ll get there.

I left that hospital after making damn sure that Mario was stable. It took a near-brawl with the on-call doctor and a call to our personal in-house physician, but here I am.

God, I owe my cousin for building his dream car with military-grade safety features.

“It’s a miracle,” the doctor said, shaking his head. I’m not much of a believer in miracles. But the fact that I walked away from that accident with hardly a scratch… well, it gives me pause.

Mario didn’t fare as well, but he’ll be alright.

I laid in that hospital bed while they took my vital signs and called my family, and I knew that something monumental – lifechanging, even -- happened in that split second before the crash. When memories of my life flashed before me. Until now, I always thought that was a figure of speech, something out of a person’s imagination.

My life flashed before my eyes.

Literally. In that slim sliver between life and death, when one realizes how quickly finite existence passes… when one questions if they truly lived before they died.

And I knew then.

I knew that I wasn’t going to marry the spoiled Floridian princess. That I’d find another way to make marriage happen.That I’d fulfill the obligation to make sure my family is well-secured and Ricco has the time he needs with his wife. I knew that I’d get shit done, like I always do, but not in the way we planned.

I knew that whoever Eden’s married to doesn’t deserve a woman like her.

And I knew I wasn’t going to spend one more second on the sidelines, playing the gentleman when I’m a motherfucking wolf.

I’ll have to watch myself with her, I know it. I’ll have to proceed carefully and make sure she feels safe. If what Mario’s told me is true, Eden’s got a world to unpack before she can truly be herself. But I have another chance at life, and I’m not going to fuck this up.

I’m going after what I want.

And I. Want. Her.
