Page 54 of Devotion

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I stare at him.

I’ve spent my entire life afraid of what would happen. Scared to take a step out of turn. Now, I feel like if I don’t take the chance now… when will I?

If I don’t have the courage now… when will I?

“I want you to lie over my lap."

Oh my goodness. I… I don’t know what to say or what to do. It seems I have nothing left in front of me but to… do what he says.

Do it.

I stand. I square my shoulders and take a breath and remind myself how I felt before I ran. How I felt before I left.

And I know… on the other side of fear is… freedom.

I've definitely never experienced anything like this before. I've been beaten, but it was always with some kind of object. I've been pushed up against the wall, thrown over a bed…

No, I won't think about that now. This is different.

This is Sergio.

I stand in front of him and look from the broad expanse of his lap to the people below us, where a woman is strewn over a man’s lap, a look of utter contentment on her face.

I can do this.

I close my eyes and lay over his lap. The warm, strong expanse of his thighs press into my belly. My braid dangles in front of me, and my legs dangle on the other side. I squirm when his hand comes to rest on my backside.

I close my eyes when a rush of emotion and heat overwhelms me. I draw in a shuddering breath and let it out again.

I can do this.

I feel so exposed, so vulnerable.

So aroused.

My pulse races like a rushing torrent, pounding in my head so quickly I’m deafened. My hands shake, and I don’t know what to do with them until I realize I can flatten them on the floor in front of me. My skin feels like it’s consumed in flames. Even the fabric of my clothes against my breasts sends a tingle through my body. My entire being vibrates, like an instrument ready to be played.

“I’m going to punish you for disobeying me, Eden. I know why you did, so I’m going to take it easy on you. This time.”

I can feel him lift his hand. I close my eyes and brace.

When he slams his palm against my butt, I gasp in surprise. I shudder, as a wave of pleasure ripples through me.


As if to validate my arousal, he caresses the tender place he just spanked. “How are you doing?”

“I’m… oh my goodness, I’m fantastic,” I say in a rush of words.

“Oh,really? You’re being punished, Eden.” But there’s a hint of a tease in his voice when he gives me a second firm smack.

Again, he spanks me, and again, my body responds like this is the sexiest thing anyone’s ever done for me.

It actually… might be.

I brace for another spank and actually wonder how good this will feel if he continues, when he pats my butt.

“That's all we're doing tonight."
