Page 45 of Safeword: Mayday

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Damn, she was really getting into this. “Yes, my Lady.” He wanted to thank her for being strict, for demanding he comply, but couldn’t figure out how to say it with the right kind of respect, so he didn’t.

“Three more, and these will be quick. If you can remain still for all three then that’ll be it, for this small demonstration. You can wait until all three have landed before you count them off.”

He nodded, and also arched his back a little more, trying to show her he was hers, doing her bidding, even if it meant pain. He mentally planted his feet and determined to absorb the strikes without moving.

Another line of fire, and he managed to stay completely still.

The next followed less than five seconds later, and his right foot came close to raising straight up, but he managed to keep it in place.

He cried out when the final strike slashed across his naked skin. His back bowed up again, but he kept his feet in place and hoped it wasn’t too much.

“Ohhh, too bad. We’re going to have to do the last one again. Spread your legs for this one.”

Kyle was relieved — he’d have been disappointed if she’d let him get away with the movement. He needed someone who absolutely meant it when she made a rule.

With his legs spread, his balls would be vulnerable if her aim wasn’t right. This was about trust though, and he wanted to give her his trust.

“That was three and four, my Lady.”

“Do you think you can remain still for this strike?”

Would she make this last strike a little less intense, so he could get past it? Or would she make it even harder, to make a point? He didn’t know, but he wasn’t going to disappoint her, either way, so he answered, “Yes, my Lady.”

He tensed, waiting, but the strike didn’t come. He blew out a breath and relaxed his ass muscles, and only then did he hear the leather flying through the air.

This was the hardest yet, and he fought to stay still. He managed it, but barely, and a good ten seconds passed before he could get out, “Five, my Lady.”

Her hand soothed his ass, cool against the heat she’d created.

“Should you ever give me a need to punish you, we’ll begin with ten for a slight infraction. Serious infractions may very well be multiples of ten. Please face me and kneel.”

When he was in place, looking up at her, she held the belt six inches in front of his face. He knew what she wanted, and he leaned forward and kissed it. Her smile made his heart happy. He’d pleased her.

“Climb onto the bondage table. Face up, head near the top.”

Kyle heard Heather gathering things as he positioned himself on the table, but all that mattered was following her orders. Otherwise, his hand would be wrapped around his throbbing, pulsing, engorged dick.

Heather connected his wrist cuffs to the table’s corners, and then put cuffs on his ankles and attached them to the same corners, so his feet were above his head. Other Dommes had made him take yoga, so he was flexible enough and the position wasn’t uncomfortable, but it left his dick, balls, and asshole especially vulnerable.

He lifted his head and watched her place a bowl on the table, but he couldn’t see what was in the bowl — probably by design.

And then she climbed onto the table and sat below him, so his view of her was framed by his legs.

“Are you okay?”

“Perfect, Ma’am.”

She wrapped her hand around his cock, and Kyle groaned when she stroked up and back down once, and then again.

He tried not to whine when she let go, and then his cock twitched when he realized she was putting medical gloves on.

Next came lube, slicking both gloved hands up, and she met his gaze. “You will not come.”

“No, my Lady.”

Kyle sighed as she reached for his cock again, stroking it with just the right pressure.

It took everything in him to stay relaxed and not clench when he felt a finger at his ass, pressing in.
