Page 43 of Shooting Stars

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Jase laughed. “I knew you’d be hungry. Dig in before it gets cold.”

I waited just long enough for him to sit opposite me and remove his own cover before I started to eat. His plate held the same as mine, and we devoured our meals, our conversation easy and comfortable. We talked about work and some forthcoming deals a little but managed not to let it dominate the conversation.

We both ate every mouthful until the plates were clear. I slumped back in my chair, closed my eyes, and rubbed my belly. “That was absolutely delicious.”

“Glad you approve. Dessert’s in the oven.”

One eye opened and focused on him. “What did you get me?”

“Your favorite, of course.”

The other eye opened and I gazed intently at him. “Apple and strawberry pie?” The two-fruit filling wasn’t something easily found in a store. It was a combination I’d experimented with when we’d first moved to New York and I’d tried to learn how to make meals for the two of us. I’d enjoyed baking at the time, but soon became too busy to do it every day.

Now we had enough money to pay someone else to make it for us.

“Yep, with fresh whipped cream.”

My mouth curled up in a wide smile. “You know what I think?”

Jase took a sip of wine and raised an eyebrow. “What’s that?”

“I think someone’s going to get his dick sucked nice and hard tonight.”

He froze in place, his Adam’s apple moving as he swallowed hard. “Is that a fact?”

I ran my tongue along my lips teasingly. “It certainly is. After I’ve had some pie, of course.”

“Of course.” He laughed and stood to clear the table, taking our dishes inside.

When he returned, he was carrying two plates with pie and freshly whipped Chantilly cream. By the time we were done with dessert, I was completely full.

As much as I might have liked to curl up with Jase on the outdoor settee we had on the balcony, the night air was far too cold to seriously entertain such an idea, so I followed him back inside to our temperature- controlled apartment.

After dumping our dirty plates in the dishwasher, I helped him blow out all the candles and turn off the lights. When he took my hand, I followed him to his bedroom, where we stripped each other naked and I made good on my promise from earlier.

Turning Jase on so badly he couldn’t talk beyond saying my name and groaning with pleasure made me feel more powerful than I ever thought possible. This strong, virile man allowed me to make him beg to take him deeper, suck him harder, and I gave him everything he wanted.

By the time he slammed into me with one powerful thrust, I was already on the verge of orgasm, so it only took a few strokes before I was coming hard, clenching around him and crying out his name.

“That’s it, sweetheart,” he murmured in my ear as I clutched him to me, my toes curled and my heartbeat racing as pleasure washed over me. “I love it when you come on my cock.”

Still, he didn’t stop. He didn’t stop pushing into me and pulling out again, doing it over and over and over and over. I bit his shoulder lightly when my second orgasm hit me out of nowhere after the head of his cock rubbed up against a certain sweet spot inside me, and my back arched underneath him, my hard nipples scraping across his chest.

“Jase.” I was breathless, clinging to him, wrapped around him.

“I know, Em. You need more, don’t you, baby?”

I was so mindless by this point I didn’t know what I needed, except him. Only him.

Always him.

He made me come one more time before following me over the edge, and I held on to him as he orgasmed deep inside me. I welcomed his warmth, his weight, not wanting to let him go.

Eventually, he withdrew from me and flopped over onto his back. I turned toward him and snuggled in close, and he wrapped his arms around me. I kissed my way up his shoulder and neck, then peppered his face with kisses, placing them anywhere I could reach.

He wrapped his fingers around my hair and gently tugged my lips to his, kissing me deeply. God, how I loved my best friend with everything I was.

When he let me go, I rested my head on his shoulder, close enough to nuzzle his neck affectionately. His fingers drifted up and down my spine slowly, making goosebumps appear on my skin, even though we had a warm blanket covering us.
