Page 44 of A Hero For Heather

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“Thanks,” Daisy said. “I’m closing tonight with two of the girls upfront.”

Daisy didn’t normally close, but she volunteered to work and be here to cover anything that had to do with the jewelry and there was more work piling up that had to be done from online orders. Rose had some good and bad days with her pregnancy and Daisy was trying to help out and keep them on schedule.

“I’ll let you get back to work too,” Heather said. “I’m going home to play around with a few things. I’ll let you know what Lily and I talked about later. I showed her a bunch of things I was working on.”

“I can’t wait to hear all the wonderful things she said. Because you know she did.”

Daisy was grinning. “Yeah, she did. And it will keep my mind off of what I found out about with Luke,” she said quietly.

“Again, that patience you’ve got. Not me.”

She grinned and left and went home to work so that she could balance all the other things in her life. Or keep that constant as Lily had said.

Funny how she got much-needed advice when her boss didn’t even know she needed it.


Deep And Raw

Just Luke’s second day officially on patrol. He hadn’t talked to Heather much since he found out about his location. All he did was text that he was staying local and nothing more.

He wasn’t one for getting into a long conversation via text and life was just a blur between graduation and getting set to start out.

He wasn’t sure he’d ever been this thrilled before and thought it was super sweet that Lily had a nice dinner for him at the house to celebrate.

There was part of him that wanted Heather there, but he told himself he couldn’t ask her. Then there’d be way too many questions.

He’d just run to the courthouse and was making his way through Mystic when a car went flying through a red light two blocks ahead and plowed into the driver’s door of a vehicle crossing the intersection.

He flipped his lights on, hit the gas and called it in for an ambulance and fire truck. No way everyone was walking away from that without some serious injuries.

He got to the scene with many others fast. “She’s trapped inside and I smell gas.”

He was running to the car that had been hit, smelled the gas too, and knew he had to get the woman out.

Her head was turned from him and she was out cold with the airbag deployed and deflated, but he knew he’d have to see if he could get her seatbelt off before he could pull her out. The door was smashed in and no way it’d open.

He grabbed the tool off his belt. “Stand back.” He swung it once, adrenaline filling everything in him though he was just as calm as when he was in the field sniping the enemy a mile away.

The glass shattered, his hand reached in and he managed to free the belt and then ran to the other side. He heard fire trucks coming but knew time was running out.

“Everyone get back,” he yelled.

“You need help,” a man said, meeting him on the side. “I’m a doctor.”

He wasn’t going to argue again, he was right and needed help and this guy was sworn to protect too in his own right.

He crawled through the passenger side, removed the seatbelt, and lifted the woman. He could see her leg looked busted and was trying to be as careful as he could.

He started to smell smoke and was moving faster than before. “Shit,” he said, tugging her free and yanking her out, hoping to hell he wasn’t doing any more harm with her injuries, but he wasn’t about to let her burn.

Luke got her out just as flames started to engulf the outside of the car. He and the doctor ran as fast as they could away, him carrying the woman.

The fire truck was on the scene and rushing toward the flames, but all he heard was screaming and yelling, which pushed it from his mind.

When he got far enough away in his mind, he laid the woman down, his back shielding her in case the car exploded.

“I’ve got her purse where there’s probably some ID,” the doctor said. “Move back and let me see. The ambulance should be here soon.”
