Page 95 of A Hero For Heather

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The World Works

“How are you doing, Heather?”

A month later, Heather looked at Jasmine as she came back into her lab. Jasmine had many other greenhouses to deal with and workers to give instructions to. This one was solely for Heather and her herbs. She loved how she was able to take it over completely in the past year.

She made all her oils here too and then brought them to the plant for use in candles and lotions. The body sprays.

At some point she was going to have to pass this off like the oils were made for the main products at the plant.

“I’m staying busy,” she said. “How is Cori doing?”

“She’s doing great. She’s at work with Mona. I want to bring her to daycare, but right now, Mona said she wants to watch her in the mornings, and when she goes into the restaurant before the lunch service starts, then Cori goes with Wesley to his office. I guess it’s a good thing she sleeps so much, but it’s going to be harder for Wesley.”

“Or easier if you put one of those toddler pens in his office,” she said, laughing.

“He said that too. I understand he’s been dying to be a father for years. I can’t take this from him now. But I can’t have her with me as much as I’d like. It’s working until it doesn’t and then we’ll figure it out. I think the best bet is a nanny and that is horrible for me to even consider that knowing how I grew up.”

Jasmine had been around poverty her whole life while her father cared for and treated those with sickness and malnutrition.

“If you’ve got the means for it, why not?” she said. “Poppy is doing that at some point.”

“I know,” Jasmine said. “She was going to bring Holly to Zara’s but decided last minute that this was easier. Reese is able to make his own hours and that is what he’s doing while Holly is still a baby. He brings her out into the workshop with him and has everything she needs there if he has to get things done.”

“Maybe get a nanny to split with them since you only need one part time?”

She wasn’t sure why she suggested that. Neither Reese McGill nor Wesley Wright had any financial concerns when it came to nannies.

“Considering how hard it might be to find someone, it has merit,” Jasmine said. “And on the off hours I’ve got Ivy and Dahlia to watch Cori. They are great aunts.”

“You’ve got such a lovely bond with your sisters,” she said. “Just like Lily, Poppy and Rose.”

“That’s right,” Jasmine said. “Like you have with your brothers.”

Heather started to laugh. “I’m not so sure about that,” she said.

She’d been thrilled the visit with her parents and brothers had come and gone. Her mother was exactly as she’d expected her to be.

Her brothers nothing like she imagined.

The biggest surprise was Luke and how he defended her.

It’d taken him a good hour to tell her what her brothers had said to him in the parking lot.

She’d been so embarrassed over her mother’s behavior, then the tears in her eyes when he’d said what he had about her job.

It also gave her a window into the world he’d lived that he didn’t want her to see.

Her brothers had told her in the past few weeks how much they respected Luke and she couldn’t ask for anything more.

It seemed they understood her boyfriend and that was a good thing.

“You’re close with your brothers,” Jasmine said. “You know you are. Much closer than I am with mine.”

The oldest of Jasmine’s siblings was four years her senior, and last she knew Jasmine hadn’t physically seen Mark in over ten years, as he lived in Japan. The youngest was Chase and he’d been here after Cori was born since he was in med school only a few hours away.

“They’ve always been more into protecting me than being my friend. It’s fine. I don’t think we have enough in common. I’m much happier being here. I’ve got you guys and everyone else.”

“That’s sweet,” Jasmine said. “I’m glad we’ve got you too. And you’ve got Luke. How are things there?”
