Page 16 of Desperate

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“Let. Go.”

“I’m not hurting you.”

“I know what you’re doing, and I want no part of it. Now let me go!”

“Is that any way to treat the male responsible for keeping you unharmed?”

Devin scoffed and dared to step back, gritting her teeth as his hands clenched around her legs. Palms flat against broad shoulders, she pushed as hard as she could with little effect.

“Where do you think you’re going?” Tone lilting, teasing, he was amused.

“I’m leaving. You probably don’t even have anyone looking for Ashley, do you?” A sneer twisted her lips, her hands clenching into fists as she continued to shove at the male. “Let me go!”

He was on his feet in an instant. Devin gave a breathless shriek of unadulterated fear as she stumbled back, her hip catching on an opposite chair with a brilliant wash of violet hued pain. Larger than life, seeming to suck all the air out of the room with his presence, he loomed over her.

“This is your fault, by my reckoning,” he said with a dip of his chin, one hand indicating the large bulge in his pants. Lips curling back in a silent snarl, he stepped closer. “I told you to clean up, gave you what you needed to do it. Yet, you come prancing out here with no underwear, flaunting your slicked cunt. I’ve been patient as hell, but I’ll be damned if I let you sit there and say it’s somehow my doing.”

“That is not—I had—You can’t seriously!” She knew she was stammering, making no sense, but she was tongue-tied in her helpless fury. Tears welled in her eyes, bitter and hot as they flooded over inky lashes.

“You want to try your luck out there?” Arm extended in invitation towards the door, he stepped aside.

Not trusting the sudden change, Devin stayed where she was for several stuttering heartbeats before she lurched into motion. Scampering past the Alpha, she didn’t miss the way his hand twitched, his arm jerking towards her before he pulled it back. The move put more adrenaline into her already taxed system, sending her crashing into the door with a hollow thud. Numb fingers fumbled over the doorknob.

Devin knew it would be locked and that it wouldn’t come open. Still, she keened when the knob didn’t turn, the sound turning into a desperate cry as the Alpha’s weight crushed her into the panel.

“How patient do you think they’ll be with you,” Bo asked in a whisper, his breath hot against her frozen cheek.

Even terrified as she was, Devin could do little more than flinch. Icy tendrils curled through her veins, paralyzing her as the male nuzzled against her neck.

“Do you think they’ll ask before touching that sweet little pussy,” Bo asked before continuing to explain in exacting detail how he thought it would happen. As if she didn’t know, hadn’t heard the horror stories and seen them in the papers. Ahead was an even greater evil, unknown people who would hurt, likely maim… maybe even kill her.

Had there ever been a choice?

“Please,” Devin squeaked out around the wet ball clogging her throat.

And then he growled.

Dark as midnight and loud as thunder, it forced its way through her skin, into her bones, until they shivered with the power of it. It was unrestrained hunger, a violence all its own. Only Bo’s hand wrapping snug around her throat kept Devin from trying to bolt like the frightened rabbit she was.

The clench of his fingers digging into her flesh, delicate vertebrae grinding as he pulled her flush, didn’t even register under the breadth of Bo’s prolonged growl as it changed pitch and depth. The resonance seeped into her, loosening her joints until she went slack in his hold.

Even as it worked through her to disconnect mind from body, she had the sense to make a last demand. “Don’t mark me.”

Bo’s low laugh was sinister.

Firming his grip, he pulled up until her feet dangled. Before she could do much more than grasp at his wrist, he had her pressed against the wall. Pushing the call into her body as if it were a physical thing, he was shameless as he rubbed his chest against her back to mark her with his scent like an animal.

It had the desired effect.

Devin groaned, arching into the sound. Delicate folds of flesh grew wet, the sticky-sweet scent ripening until it flooded the air. Gripping Bo’s wrist with both hands to ease the strain, her hips still tipped up to grind against the heavy thickness he rutted against her backside in slow strokes.

The inciting reverberation worked its way through her body as he continued to growl for her, scraping every nerve raw under the primal onslaught. In that small space left untouched by the instinctual response, she berated herself and swore to get through this unscathed. Her traitorous body knew what to do. It would only take her shutting away that last part of her that demanded she fight.

She just had to give in.

“There’s a good girl,” Bo rasped against her cheek. With his chest pinning her to the wall, it left his hands free to roam. They clenched in the torn fabric of her skirt, wrenching the split wide to bunch it up at her hips. The rough texture of denim rubbed against oversensitive skin, stained with a growing dark spot when he wedged his thigh between her legs.

Devin strained to be quiet and still, to let it all just happen. Pussy dripping, clenching over air and desperate to be filled, she tried to give into it. He grew more impatient by the second, the low growls against her skin more aggressive, more feral as he marked her thighs with thin, red welts from his nails.

Icy tendrils slithered down her back at the scrape of Bo’s teeth against her nape. Rough hands mauled her breasts, seeking to rip away the stiff bodice in violent jerks. Clawing at the fabric, he growled deep in his chest and set his teeth against her shoulder.

“Wait, stop,” Devin stammered, words lost in a hiss of pain as he spread her wide. Legs forced back around his hips, the long muscles of her thighs burned and trembled while he sought his zipper and button. “Please, just wait a second!”

Bo snarled, slamming her into the wall, the air punched from her lungs as he ground her into the delicate wallpaper. Urgent, hungry fingers fumbled with his jeans, panting breaths hot as they scattered over her shoulder. Another scrape of teeth and Devin flinched.

It was the smallest resistance.

It was enough.
