Page 22 of Desperate

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Devin fell back gasping after the last weak surge sprayed the back of her tongue. Sprawled across the hard concrete, she blinked fast to clear away the excited haze and to stop her thighs working against one another. Squeezing them tight, she tried to ignore the dull pulse of her clit and the empty ache beneath it. A blowjob was one thing. She didn’t want to have sex with Rey, and definitely not with Beau again.

Rey stumbled to his chair, collapsing into the soft leather with a gratified moan. Hand raking through his hair, mussing the inky strands, he stared at Devin. Despite the flush in his cheeks turning deep russet skin rosy and the way he sucked in air, he gave nothing of his thoughts away as he watched her come to her senses.

The door opened, and a head full of slinky brown hair and hazel eyes came around the frame. The woman who led Devin to the room poked her head through the opening with a smile. “Hey guys, are you ready—”

“Give us a few, Chrissy,” Beau said, standing and waving her out the door before she could do more than take in the scene at a glance.

All the blood rushed from Devin’s face at having been caught lying on the floor, stained with an Alpha’s come. No doubt she looked like a cheap whore. Tears already gathering along her lashes, she struggled to find her footing on rubbery legs, only to have her arm caught. Crashing against a dark wall of heat and espresso, Devin went limp as a thick arm encircled her hips.

“Go home and get cleaned up. Come back after and we can get everything sorted.” Rey’s hand came up, twining a springy curl around his fingers. He gave it a soft tug before letting it spiral free to bob at Devin’s cheek.

“I-It’ll take me a while t-to—”

“Where do you live?” Beau came up on her other side, pressing closer than she thought he would with another Alpha so near.

“Bayside Heights, down by the—”

“What the fuck are you doing living down there,” Rey demanded, shoving Devin against Beau to take his chair once more.

“It’s what I could afford.” Though she tried to keep her head up and voice stern, Devin found her eyes pinned to the floor between her feet, words little more than a whisper.

“Shouldn’t take you that long to drive down there and back.” Beau rubbed against Devin’s back, grinding his scent into her clothing to mingle with Rey’s.

“I don’t have a car,” Devin whispered.

“There are showers downstairs behind the stage,” Rey said through a growl. “Chrissy will show you. She’ll bring you to the office when you’re done.”

Beau led Devin to the door where he called out for Chrissy. She arrived in moments, obviously not having gone far. Her blue-green gaze took in the state of Devin without comment before she turned to Beau.

“Take her to the showers and then bring her up to the office,” Beau said before turning his attention to Devin. Wrapping a heavy hand at her nape, he tugged her in closer. “You be a good girl, hm?”

Devin seethed, spitting and snarling a thousand curses on the man and his entire line. At least, she did on the inside. Out loud, she murmured an agreement and nodded her head. Pulling free of his hold, Devin forced her back straight as she followed Chrissy down the hall. With each step forward, Devin’s spine slumped, leaving her hunched with shoulders near her ears as Chrissy led her through the milling crowd of women waiting their turn.

“Uh, Alexander, you’re next. Go on back,” Chrissy called over her shoulder as she motioned Devin towards the elevator.

Hearing the speculative mutterings behind them, Devin couldn’t get out of there fast enough. Rushing through the open space, she didn’t realize she’d left her shoes behind until the cold metal floor of the elevator bit into her soles. Chrissy followed at a more reasonable pace, one brow rising as she noted Devin’s worried gaze snagged on bare feet.

“I’ll have them for you when you get out,” Chrissy said, slapping the button for the first floor.

As awkward as Devin felt, Chrissy acted as if this was part of the normal run of things. Guiding Devin through the eerie silence of the dance floor to a black painted door beside the stage, the Beta made no comment about Devin’s state or what transpired behind closed doors. She didn’t even ask what all this fuss was about.

Following Chrissy down the narrow hall and through what appeared to be a dressing room with racks of cheap, sparkly clothing that looked like it would struggle to fit a slim teen, they entered the showers. Nothing more than a tiled room with three showerheads spaced along one wall, Devin’s eyes widened at the lack of privacy. There wasn’t even a door to the room itself.

“Girls are going to be coming in soon to get ready for opening.” Chrissy went to a small bank of shelves, tugging a couple of towels free from a stack. A bar of soap and a washcloth came to hand, all of it deposited in Devin’s arms. “I’ll be back in fifteen to get you, okay?”

“Sure. Thanks.”

“Don’t mention it.”

Devin tried to find some sense of disgust or repulsion in Chrissy’s tone but couldn’t. The Beta seemed for all intents and purposes as nice as she first appeared. Nodding, Devin stepped back into the tiled room and set the large towels aside. Glancing at the far doorway as Chrissy disappeared, Devin stripped as fast as she could, cranking on the water as soon as she stood beneath the water spotted head.

She groaned, surprised to find actual hot water flowing at force from the showerhead. It’d been forever since she had an honest-to-Gods hot shower. As much as she wanted to sit under the steaming spray for hours, Devin didn’t care for the idea of being caught naked by a dozen strangers, whether they worked at the club or not.

Setting to work, she scrubbed away as much of the lingering scents of sex as she could, paying special attention to the potent sweetness between her legs. Scrubbed to a vivid pink, there was nothing Devin could do for her wild mane other than to wet it and hope it remained in the snug bun she twisted it into. She despaired for her clothing as she cut off the water and wrapped herself in one of the large towels. Using the wet washcloth, she blotted at the worst of the creamy stains, hoping it would be enough for the moment.

As she jumped and wriggled, distracted by tight denim clinging to damp skin, a veritable flood of women in various states of disarray and undress poured through the frame to fill the small space to bursting.

Devin’s shriek careened into a warbling cry as she leapt back, slipping on the wet tiles. Landing flat on her ass, the many hurts from the previous night made themselves known with an epic roar. Chatter exploded around her. The shrill, high-pitched tones battered her ringing ears as she took one shaky breath after another in a bid to control the agony pulsing through her lower half.

“What the fuck are you doing back here,” one voice demanded, rising above the fray to pierce through Devin’s muddled thoughts. It belonged to a blonde woman with luscious curves and livid blue eyes.

“It’s pretty obvious, Marina,” another woman said, no less curvy or seductive as the first, as she knelt beside Devin with a tender smile. Though she stroked Devin’s arm with a sorrowful pout, every action seemed drenched in sexual intent. “Let’s get you up, sweety.”

“I’m good, thanks,” Devin mumbled as she lurched to her feet in an ungainly scramble.

“Hey, it’s okay,” the woman said, rising with an effortless grace to sashay towards the long counter where an array of gaudy makeup and the various accoutrement of beauty held reign before a bank of mirrors. “Take your time.”

Devin paid no attention to the swell of chatter as she turned her back to the group, snatching up the sodden halter top to struggle into the wet scrap of fabric. By the time she yanked it into some semblance of order and turned back, a pale hand caught her arm and dragged her from the room.

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