Page 28 of Desperate

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Rey slammed the gear into reverse, tires squealing as he pealed out of the apartment lot. Devin glanced at him as she braced herself in the corner of the door, lips thinned to a white line as she tried not to see the soft glow of the speedometer reflected on the windshield. Rey was driving too fast, reckless even for this predawn stillness.

“How fucking stupid can you be,” Rey shouted, slamming the heel of his palm against the steering wheel before jerking it hard to the right to round a sudden turn. “Do you even understand how dangerous a place like that is for a woman, let alone an Omega?”

Devin’s eyes went wide, lips parting in confusion. Her choice of dwellings angered him? As if she would have ever chosen to live there of her own accord.

“What part of that’s all I could afford did you not understand earlier,” Devin hissed, crawling up the unforgiving breadth of the door as Rey turned to glare at her. The full force of his anger slammed into her chest, knocking the breath from her lungs. She refused to back down. Not after the night and day she had had. She’d suffered too much, accepted too much, to bow down and take anymore. She had no say in how they used her body, but by the Gods, she would not be shamed for living her own damned life.

“There are always other options.”

“Like whoring myself out to two Alphas to secure a job so I can keep a roof over my head and maybe, just maybe, have enough left over to actually eat? Or maybe just let my landlord do whatever he wanted to me instead. At least he’s a Beta!”

“Sit down,” Rey ground out, hand reaching for Devin to haul her back into the seat as she perched on a knee to stare him down.

“I made my agreement with the two of you, and I’ll stick with it, but don’t you dare think you can judge me,” Devin shrieked, slamming her fist into the dashboard for what little emphasis she could make. “Neither of you give a Gods damn about me, so just take me wherever, do whatever it is you’re planning, and I won’t be your concern again until tomorrow when I show up to do my fucking job.”

“It’s already tomorrow,” Rey roared, shoving Devin back into the bucket seat. Hand splayed over her chest, he held her there as they screeched to a stop before the understated glory of a massive building.

A man bustled out of the bright entryway leading into a light drenched lobby, checking his course from Devin’s side of the car when Rey threw open his door and growled. Rey tossed the key fob at the man dressed all in navy blue accented in gold, jerking open Devin’s door, and hauling her out amidst her hissed protests. He dragged her across the drive into the simple lobby of white marble and pale walls, the shining brass of the elevator coming up fast as Rey picked her up by a steel grip on her bicep. The surprised faces of housekeepers with their carts and the smart uniforms of the men manning the reception area became a blur as tears flooded Devin’s eyes. She hadn’t known such public humiliation in her life before this.

Rey released her when they were ensconced in the elevator, digits entered into a keypad to send them up to the top floors. The random thought that it was nothing like the movies, where fancy cards or literal keys were inserted, flitted through Devin’s mind as she cowered in the corner behind Rey’s bulk where he’d deposited her.

Reality drifted in as the floors chimed past. The fact she’d dared to challenge an already furious Alpha and that she was alone with him. Devin had to believe he wouldn’t damage her, not with how much he repeated that she had a job with them, and it wasn’t sex. Hurt her, maybe, but not broken bones.

Which led her to the very real fact that she was still bruised and sore from her night with Beau. Omegas had to heal fast in order to be paired with Alphas, but even the healthiest of Omegas would be hard pressed to take such abuse two nights in a row. Devin was far from her top form. A pack of stale crackers hidden away in the back of her cupboard was the last thing she’d eaten before rushing to the interview.

Snapped out of her thoughts by the quiet music of the doors opening, Devin blinked at the sight spread before her eyes. Rich, bold colors intermingled with earthy tones, all sleek and new. Redolent in the scent of the Alpha who reigned supreme, it hit her like a freight train as Rey pushed her stalled feet into motion. She saw all of it but took none of it in as he controlled her with a single finger poking into her shoulders, prodding Devin into the great expanse of the bedroom.

The bed could have held four Alphas with comfort. Or a whole harem of Omegas, which Devin deemed far more likely. The earth tones complimenting all the deep colors from the other rooms seemed to be the palette of choice here, dark tans and rusty browns accented with brilliant yellow. An odd mixture to Devin’s preference of muted, soft colors, but interesting.

Confused as to why she judged his choice in sheets and duvet, Devin made an awful squawk when Rey shoved her onto the huge mattress.

He didn’t say a word, just a single look as he went about undoing the flat buttons of his shirt. The demand was clear. Devin lowered her chin to her chest, appearing as subservient as she could while toeing off her worn sneakers. The too large shirt whispered over her skin, loose jeans following suit. Devin tried to draw it out as long as she could without seeming to dawdle. By the time she stood in nothing more than plain, white underwear, she strained to fill her lungs through the bands of tension locked around her ribcage. Standing over her with arms crossed over the wide breadth of his chest, he stared. The dark umber of his eyes took in every sharp angle, seeming to gauge the fullness of her curves if she’d been better fed. Rey’s fingers slid over the dark marks Beau had left her with where she hadn’t bothered applying more makeup after her multiple showers. He concentrated for a long time on her face, taking Devin’s chin in tight fingers to turn her this way and that. His thumb brushed the dark circles under her eyes and the mottled bruising on her cheeks where the concealer had worn off.

“Take them off. Get in,” Rey murmured, taking a step back so he didn’t loom so close.

Devin ducked her head, thumb sliding under the ragged elastic to shove at the simple fabric. It wasn’t a sexy tease, instead a utilitarian movement she would have performed while alone. She couldn’t quite bring herself to give him her back to climb onto the bed, deciding instead to hop up onto the high mattress and swing her legs up. Staring up at the shifting shadows patterning the ceiling as she laid back, Devin shivered. Not just the fear of what was to come, but from the icy air now drifting over her bare body from the vent positioned above her.

He stood there for a long time. Watching, waiting. Devin’s nerves began a mangled chaos of commotion as she tried to figure out what she was doing wrong as his muscles bunched and shifted in irritation.

She realized then she’d remained on her back. Beau hadn’t faced her as he rutted her, so perhaps all Alphas did it that way. She knew too little, and this crash course in an Alpha’s wants and needs would be the end of her. Swallowing hard, Devin shifted her upper body and began the terrifying movement to turn onto her belly.

“What are you doing,” Rey ground out, taking hold of her shoulder and pushing Devin back into the mattress.

“I… Just… I was turning over?”

“You like it from behind?” The dark arches of his brows twitched, a not quite frown as he gave Devin’s tensed body a once over.

It was clear she didn’t.

“I-I just thought…”

Rey’s forehead furrowed, brows crashing together as Devin shivered again. Drawing himself to his full height, he made himself far more imposing than he’d been a moment ago. Rey looked down his nose to where Devin remained frozen.

“Stay here.” He left the room without another glance, light exploding through the rest of the extravagant apartment.

The sound of running water filtered through the open door, and Devin took a much-needed breath. Hoping he’d decided to shower, she tried to gain some warmth from the blanket she lay on. A hopeless endeavor as the chill air continued to swirl around her. With another full body shiver, Devin glanced at the rectangle of light signaling freedom and more trouble than she could manage. If she ran now, for all she knew either Alpha would track her down and rip her apart out of spite alone. Not that it would matter if they let her be. Someone else would take on that role, some other stranger. Even if she made it back to Elmbrook Gorge, by some miracle unscathed, there were no certainties there. There may be far less people, but there were expectations of Omegas that carried the weight of familial responsibility there. Her parents would be just as bad as everyone else.

Nodding to herself at her dismal thoughts of where life and the Gods had left her, Devin crawled beneath the blankets and huddled under the decadent fabric. At least she could be warm while she awaited her fate.

Devin jumped out of her skin as a scalding grip took hold of her shoulder, fishing her out from under the covers where she’d burrowed deep into the small pocket of heat she’d created for herself. To her surprise, Rey didn’t drag her out or flip the covers back. Tugging her face into view, he left the blanket tucked up around her chin before easing his weight back onto his heels.

Rey gave a low grunt, leaving the room once again and stopping Devin’s heart in its tracks in the process. She didn’t dare another breath until he returned, though she lost it just as soon as she gulped it down when he sat beside her and tugged the cover away to bare the top swell of her breasts.

“I know this isn’t what you want, but there are no rules saying you can’t enjoy yourself,” Rey murmured, the back of his hand sliding along her cheek.

“You’re kidding me, right?”
