Page 32 of Desperate

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Chapter Eleven

Devin burrowed deeper into delicious softness that radiated warmth, groaning in something very close to bliss as heat enveloped her further. It was everywhere, not a hint of damp chill from the water or drafty windows. Someone was making coffee, too. Rich and expensive, it smelled as divine as the heat itself felt.

Then it rumbled.

Devin shrieked her way to wakefulness, shoving at the mountainous slab. Kicking at what she hoped were tender areas in her sleep dazed confusion. Hands like claws, she aimed for the darkness that had to be a face.

He didn’t even have to try to pin her down, arms stretched high above her head and useless no matter how she twisted and pulled at them. Legs caught under the oppressive weight of his, there was no escape.

Devin was far more concerned with the sleepy rage lingering in Rey’s dark eyes than the tight pain simmering through her shoulders and hip where he leaned his weight. Catching her lip between her teeth, she stifled the low sounds of pain clawing at the back of her throat.

“You get one pass. Don’t do it again.” Rey muttered something, dropping his full weight atop Devin with a groan. Rubbing his cheek against her neck, he forced Devin’s head aside to give him access to her throat and the heady sweetness behind her ear.

Though he released her arms, Devin couldn’t bring them down unless she intended to hug the male. The idea horrified her, so she remained awkward and stiff as he began to slide his body against hers. She ignored the way her pussy throbbed at Rey’s soft touch at her hip, nipples drawing tight as the rough stubble of his jaw rasped against her chest. His mouth worked at her neck, the careful nips and soft suction not near hard enough to leave a mark, but more than enough to have delirious warmth rocketing through her veins.

Fucking Gods, she didn’t want to like any part of this! It was all far easier when they forced her to submit, but this gentle seduction was going to kill her.

“There’s a good girl,” Rey husked, settling between Devin’s thighs.

She had no idea when she’d opened them, when her arms came down to embrace the hulking beast. Devin shivered as she watched her hands stroke the Alpha’s naked back and shoulders. Shock almost stole the heat from her skin as Rey’s quiet growl called forth a hum from her, her fingers gliding through his hair as he made his way down to her breasts.

How could she be so wholly aware and yet, under his spell? More important, why had no one ever told her it was like this? If she’d known Alphas were this dangerous, she’d have never been able to do half the things she’d done. She’d have crawled under a rock and given up long ago.

Devin squeaked and jolted back to the here and now as Rey’s lips and teeth wrapped tight around the aching peak of her breast. Working at the taut nub, he murmured his appreciation, cupping pleasure swollen flesh to bring it closer.

The shrill ring of a phone startled her enough to snap Devin out of the murky pleasure Rey drowned her in. Shying away from his insistent fingers, the deep blue of her eyes skittered away from the impatience in his as she searched for the terrible sound. It set her on edge, invading whatever calm Rey tried to induce.

Rey grunted and climbed from the bed, abandoning his attempts to distract Devin from the piercing ring. In one swift movement, he had Devin covered. Blanket tucked to her chin and near swaddled in the layers, he ambled out into the apartment in unabashed nakedness to silence the shrill sounds.

Though Devin strained to listen, she couldn’t catch more than little snippets of his conversation. She wasn’t interested in his private calls, more with how soon she’d be able to flee the undulating heat in her belly and the impatient throbbing of her clit.

It had to be hormones. She’d never been exposed to Alphas for so long, so close. With her sudden situation, it was all understandable. As soon as she could get the tacky film of his release from her body, the sooner she’d be in her right mind. Being swallowed whole by a bed saturated with his scent couldn’t be helping her, either. A shower and change of clothes would see her miles from her current predicament.

“They’ll be down there,” Rey said into the phone as he returned, ordering Devin to follow with two crooked fingers.

This must be where he kicked her out of his space. She didn’t need to be told twice. Bolting up from the bed, Devin tugged last night’s clothes on. She’d worry about them being stained with an Alpha’s scent later, burning them if she had to. So busy with dragging denim over the sticky film, she didn’t see what her foot came down onto. There was only the slimy, rubbery texture of it before she leaped back with a muffled cry.

“Nothing to worry about,” Rey said into the phone, his dark brows a hard line as he mouthed some negative to Devin. Glancing at what lay at her feet, he cast his eyes towards the ceiling before pointing at a closed door on the opposite wall. His shoulders shifted as he went back out into the apartment, muscles tensing. “It’s nothing. Just some fun.”

Devin’s spine tried to snap straight at being called ‘some fun,’ but she couldn’t deny it. Shoulders hunched, she searched the floor for what she’d stepped on and almost cried out again. So innocuous yet saying a thousand things, the blob of latex lay there. A condom. Fragmented bits of memory sailed through her thoughts, the stench of chemicals and the feel of something unnatural. He’d been trying to put one on, and she’d ruined it by becoming scared and…

No, she did not want to feel him filling her to the brim with…

Devin cleared her throat, took a shaky breath, and banished it all from her mind as she picked the condom up with distasteful fingers and aimed for the door he’d pointed to. It was an en suite bathroom, the trashcan clear of anything telling. Devin gave a brief thought to flush the thing, but then had no idea if that was bad or good. These weren’t things she dealt with in her normal life. Settling on the trash where it belonged, she let it fall with a wet plop that almost made her gag. Hands scoured in scalding water at the sink, she splashed some on her face and tried to tame her hair from the wild snarls and frizzy puffs.

She might have enough for a taxi. That would get her home in relative safety.

Tiptoeing her way out of the bedroom, Devin took in the space with a quick glance. Once again, she saw it all without noticing much of anything except where the exit was. Making a beeline for the front door, she didn’t notice him coming up behind her. Not until she reached for the handle and found her arm caught in a bruising grip. Devin managed to remain silent somehow, even when he dragged her backwards. Stumbling over her feet, fighting to stay upright, Devin grunted when he hauled her up into a tall chair that left her feet dangling a full foot from the ground.

Finding herself seated at an island, Devin shrank away from the clatter of ceramic. It was a feat to pry her eyes open as the seconds ticked past without an assault of some kind, only to find coffee being poured into a large mug. Milk from a carton and sugar in a deep blue bowl sat crowded against the cup. He must have shoved the lot across the counter at her. Devin peeked through the clumped strands of her damp hair at Rey, his lips thinned in consternation.

He was trying to be nice, she supposed.

“They’ll be there at midnight. Just have your part done and it’ll go smooth as silk.” The acrid bite of Rey’s impatience filtered through the silent kitchen though his tone remained as calm as ever. Muscle shifting, stance widening, his body said he was ready for a fight.

Devin didn’t like that at all. Straining to remain small and inconspicuous, she dumped sugar and milk into the too strong coffee to make it somewhat palatable. Gods knew she needed the caffeine to remain somewhat vigilant, but the bitter stuff could have stripped lacquer.

“That isn’t my fault, and you know it. I did what you wanted. You’re the one who decided to take her ahead of schedule.”

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