Page 42 of Desperate

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As if she was one to judge.

Sniffling hard, Devin took one more swipe at her face as Jackson rounded the last corner and eased into the parking lot. Pulling the car right up to the back door, he hopped out before she could get her belt unfastened, opening her door just before she reached for it.

The door to the club burst open, metal scraping over rough asphalt as Rey stormed out. Nostrils flared, fists tight and high, he stalked towards Jackson and the car where Devin hid behind the Beta’s bulk without meaning to.

“Where have you…” Rey sniffed in Jackson’s direction. Eyes narrowing, the inky darkness of his brows crowded over the bridge of his nose. “What the fuck did you do?”

Rey didn’t want a response. He was on the attack before he finished speaking, lunging towards Jackson with a bellow that shuddered through the air. Landing one sickening punch and then another as Jackson refused to do more than protect his head.

“Stop! Please just stop,” Devin screamed, dancing on her toes as she was pushed into the car to avoid the violence barreling towards her.

Jackson’s shout of pain cut short, grinding into a low groan as Rey’s fancy leather boot connected with his ribs. She had to stop Rey, do something before he killed the poor man. Whining as she burned through all the consequences of what would happen next, she launched herself over the prone male into the enraged Alpha. Smacking into his chest, she curled her arms around Rey’s heaving sides, clinging to him as she forced her body to go limp. Dead weight that meant little to an Alpha, unless he stopped attacking the Beta to keep her from falling.

Devin didn’t have to wait long. A split second before Rey bellowed and shoved her away to crouch over Jackson, pummeling his face and body as the Beta twisted and groaned.

Devin’s shriek of pain as she landed and skidded a few yards more didn’t snap him out of it. Neither did the sight of her blood pooling in the oil slick puddle she wound up in. Rey’s shirt stuck to her in an obscene display, her elbows and knees scraped raw with bits of dirt and crumbling blacktop embedded in the cuts. Shaking hand coming to her cheek, Devin cried out at the searing pain as fingertips brushed over the wound marring her skin. It hurt like hell and felt like it must be deep.

Now she had something to cry about, and she did. Sobbing as hard as she felt the situation warranted, she untangled her legs from the sucking wet fabric and crawled to her feet. Stumbling towards the door of the club, she tried to think of what she could do. No one else would be there except maybe Chrissy. The cops would take too long, and what was she to tell them? Her Alpha employer slash… whatever their arrangement made him was attacking the Beta he sent to cart her around.

“Chrissy,” Devin screamed up the stairwell, dragging herself up the risers as fast as her watery legs could carry her.

No more than halfway up, Rey appeared behind her. Lifting Devin with ease, he flung her onto his shoulder. He ignored her screams, her kicking legs, her pleas for him to let her go. Rey didn’t stop at the second-floor office. He kept going, taking the stairs two and three at a time up to the third floor and the luscious rooms where Beau first attacked her.

“Go clean yourself up,” Rey growled, shrugging Devin from his shoulder to land in a boneless heap at his feet.

He didn’t notice or care about the rug burn over already bruised and broken skin, the bright red smearing over the thick, creamy carpet. Devin gasped and sputtered, air filling her lungs after having had all the breath knocked from them. Her one moment of bravery was gone, hopes dashed to nothing in a matter of moments upon the dirty parking lot. She managed to get her hands and knees beneath her, shuffling across the floor as fast as she could.
