Page 44 of Desperate

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“It’s a simple question, De Vries. Do you know or not?”

Rey’s lip curled, turning on the ball of his foot with such speed Devin flinched. The insignificant movement brought their attention. Dark and light slicing through flesh, blistering and glacial. Numbing Devin down to her very soul as they leaned towards the crumpled heap of bones ensconced in lofty blankets.

“You really going to stand there and tell me this isn’t affecting any of yours,” Rey snapped, turning away. Eyes closed as he returned to his pacing, a reckless hand tore through his hair. “Yeah, fine.”

“What’s she saying,” Beau asked, hand coming down hard on Devin’s ankle when she tried to crawl back beneath the illusion of safety the thick covers afforded her. He squeezed the delicate joint until her bones ground together and she remained still.

“Nothing useful yet. She heard the tainted lots are still out there. She’s checking with a contact in the clinics.” Rey dragged in a deep breath. He shook his head hard in the next moment, dragging his focus from Devin as if it was an act of sheer will.

“We need to get out of here?” Beau gripped Devin’s ankle tighter, leaning his weight on her as he angled towards Rey.

“It’s fine. Just shut the—Yeah, I’m still here.” Rey listened to whoever was on the other end of the call, forehead furrowing the longer they spoke. He said nothing, mute nods and negating shakes of his head answering whatever was said. The other person spoke for some time before Rey let out a gusty sigh that edged into a growl. “And none of yours are affected?”

Rey grunted and ended the call, pocketing the slim piece of glass and plastic. He wiped his hand against his hip, as if getting rid of some sensation he didn’t like.

“They’re too smart to go to the clinics, Rey. Told you that already. All of ours get their shit from the dealers, and they know better than to fuck us over like that.”

“Yours, Elijah. They’re not my prostitutes.” Rey sat hard in one of the ancient metal chairs, the whole thing threatening to give way as the rust holding it together flaked to the floor.

“Whatever. She gets on the pure shit, it’s fine,” Beau drawled, clenching his fist over Devin’s ankle, forcing her to struggle not to make a sound of pain.

It didn’t matter. As if drawn by some unseen force, Rey’s gaze centered on Beau’s hand.

“You’re hurting her…” Rey began to stand, chin canting to the side to release the tension from his neck. Shoulders rolled, though he pushed against the chair’s arms until his spine met faded vinyl.

“She’s fine, man. Aren’t you, sweetheart?”

Devin forced her head to move up and down, the jerky nod all she could muster as her ankle sent brilliant shocks of red hazed agony up her leg.

“She’s under your skin is what the problem is. Go on home. Do whatever you need to. I’ll give her another jab and head out soon,” Beau said, releasing Devin to set elbows to knees, leaning in towards Rey.

“You’re going to—”

“Doesn’t matter what I’m going to do. You need to get out of here.” Beau’s head tipped to the side, corner of his mouth sliding up into a rueful smile. “Come on, we’ve beat on each other enough over this as it is.”

“Fine. Yeah.” Rey let out a sound, something between a heart-wrenching groan and a roar. Propelling his body from the chair, he stormed towards the door.

Gone so fast Devin could scarce track, the hollow thud of the door being shut with care behind him, she wasn’t prepared for Beau climbing onto the bed. Crawling up her body, shoving her back into the mattress when Devin attempted to squirm away.

“You really fucked him up, sweetheart. Not good. Now we see how you like it.”

Devin screamed though he wasn’t hurting her yet. The arctic rage in his eyes was more than enough of a threat. Lip curled, Beau caught both her wrists, pinning them high above her head. Something snapped around one, then the other. Cold metal rattled against the bedframe when she yanked on her arms as soon as he released them. Beau slapped her, stunning her into silence as he sat up, straddling her hips, crushing her beneath him. Reaching back, he uncovered two more chains and their attached cuffs. They were snapped around her ankles before Devin could do more than take a trembling breath. Covers stripped away, he laid her bare to the brutal heat of his gaze.

“Now,” Beau murmured, working a length of fabric between Devin’s jaws. “You’re going to be a good girl for me, right? Because you see, one of these is going to make you feel better. The other is going to make me feel better.”

Beau’s chuckle was an ugly, twisted thing as he held up the two syringes. One milky white, viscous. The other crystal clear and no more identifiable. Positioning himself between her spread thighs, he forced them wider, admitting his bulk to grind against her. Devin cried out against the gag, rattling the chains binding her to the bed as she writhed. Tears streamed from her eyes, head thrashing against the cloud soft pillows.

“Don’t get all excited. We’re using them both, regardless. It’s up to you if I give you the good stuff and make you want it, or if you’re all there and feel every minute of this,” he paused to push the hidden danger of his cock against her, “until I get bored. Then I start seeing how much I can sell this pussy for. Got it?”

Devin keened and nodded. She choked, trying to drag in a breath, forcing her body to go limp. The promised agony too terrifying to question. Relaxing her jaw, ignoring the saliva smearing across her cheeks, she tried to find some measure of calm.

If one of the syringes was indeed hormones, she wouldn’t feel any of it. Lost in the unnatural high, she’d be his puppet. If he saw through his promise for the reverse… Devin couldn’t contemplate that. Not as Beau sat back and began to undress, flinging his shirt off to the side and baring that peculiar scar on his chest she’d found so intriguing.

“Good girl.”

Devin grit her teeth through the initial sting of the needle, squealing as fire sluiced through her veins. It raced through her, exploding through her synapses, making her heart stutter until it hammered to the punishing rhythm the Alpha set as he climbed higher on the bed. Gag tugged free, Devin moaned and lifted her head.

* * *

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