Page 50 of Desperate

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Chapter Sixteen

“Be still,” Beau snarled, keeping his voice low as he shoved his foot between Devin’s thighs. Knee against her sternum, he pinned her further in the corner.

Unable to retreat for the much-needed breath, Devin slapped at the wall. Her fingertips whispered over the folds of his slacks where they hung low on his hips. The angle became more awkward, throat clenching over the unwanted invasion. It excited Beau all the more as she began to jostle and try to twist away, her lungs burning.

“Better swallow it all, baby,” he hissed, head falling back while he thrust deeper into Devin’s mouth. He took more of her throat despite the growing knot tearing the corners of her lips.

“What the fuck, Beau?”

Rey’s footfalls made the ground shudder beneath Devin, but she couldn’t pay much attention as the world slipped sideways. Uncertain if it was the half dose Beau gave her or the lack of air, she found a ragged sound reverberating through her chest. No air to make sense of the noise, terrified hands sought the knot. Clenching over it, twisting hard just as he liked. She somehow managed to swallow around the pulsing thickness lodged within her throat.

It was enough.

Beau’s come filled her, drowning her as he shouted above her. He continued thrusting into her throat despite the hold she maintained on his knot, refusing to pull back so she could breathe. Gray tinged her vision. Her hold slipped, mouth going slack as more potent fluid overflowed her lips and trickled over her chin.

“I said enough,” Rey bellowed from somewhere far off.

“Fuck off, Rey!”

Thunder from every direction pummeled her body, stabbing into her brain. Devin would have screamed if she’d been able, but as she crumpled to the floor, all she could do was hack and cough. Spitting out the salty slime, she swiped at her mouth to be rid of cinnamon and chilies. It’d never leave her now. It stained every particle of her being, infecting her as dazed eyes turned to the shifting shadows around her.

Female screams and male shouts joined in the Alpha roars and bellows. Sounds of fighting, of fear. It boiled through the gray haze buffeting her thoughts, driving Devin lower. Curling up on her side, she tried to hide in plain sight. She squeezed her eyes shut, wanting it all to go away.

It never would, and she knew it. It hadn’t even improved in these past several days. As the meaty, wet sounds of flesh splitting open filled the hall alongside the shrill screams of terrified women and the pained cries of grown men, Devin understood there was one way out. They were distracted and would never notice. If she could just move, open her eyes and get away, she could take matters into her own hands.

She’d thought she was strong, but she wasn’t. Not in the ways that mattered in this vicious world. There would be no persuading, no overpowering them. Devin had to get up.

Screaming at the locked muscles of her limbs to move got her nowhere, abject terror keeping her right where she was. A single breath dragged in had her coughing and sputtering, stomach heaving to be rid of the slimy cinnamon burning her throat. Spitting out the viscous fluid, she managed to get to hands and knees. Using the wall for support, she dragged herself up on rubbery legs. Nothing made sense, direction useless as the hall tipped and swirled. It was all shadows and light, a never-ending shuffle. Away from the violent sounds was all she could manage.

Dragging herself down the wall, bare feet skidding over the smooth wood, Devin floundered for a door. Any door would do, there had to be something she could use in one of the offices. A pair of scissors, a pen, something that could get the job done.

The first door she came to flew open under her weight. Devin crashed to the ground, clenched teeth holding back the scream of miserable pain. She sensed more than smelled espresso and whiskey, the soft notes of worn oak underlining them.

Rey’s office.

Poetic, if she thought about it at all.

Slapping blind hands over the paper strewn surface brought nothing to hand. Crawling around the hulking desk let her rummage through the drawers. She’d break a bottle if she had to, but the noise would attract attention Devin didn’t need just then. A cry of relief almost broke free from her gritted teeth when her fingers closed over an old-fashioned letter opener. Too dull to be clean, it would still get it done. Gods knew she’d withstood more than her fair share of pain.

“No,” Devin yelled as heavy hands slapped the would be dagger away from her throat. She didn’t know where her artery was, but she’d been sure it would cause enough damage.

Rey roared something unintelligible at her cheek, snatching her up from the ground. He battered her more, waking the slumbering agony that always dwelled in her bones now. Holding her far too tight, he crushed the bruised rib Beau had given her. Devin screamed again.

Colors swirled, blurred. Becoming shades of gray as Devin’s head lolled and bounced. A sense of movement, a swell of sound left behind as fast as it approached.

A female voice she recognized sliced through the din of her pounding heart. Demands for answers, a feminine roar so much stronger than anything Devin could ever produce. Cracking her eyes open, a vision of pale hair and shimmering brown eyes appeared. Glowing with righteous fury, it grew larger with each stuttering heartbeat.

“Ash,” Devin croaked out, trembling hand reaching out to the wavering mirage.

“Put her the fuck down, asshole,” Ashley yelled, still coming hard and fast for Rey. She knocked aside the bouncer who attempted to slow her, shoving through a swarm of black shirted men who tried to warn her not to go further.

“No, no, Ashley!” Panic sluiced through her, hammering through her heart to send the jittering energy through every cell. Devin squirmed in Rey’s tightening hold, trying not to cry out as something deep within her chest grinded and creaked. “Please, Ash, stop.”

“Get the fuck out of my club, bitch,” Rey responded in kind, shouting over the chaos. His stance widened, readying for the fight Ashley seemed intent on.

Devin could feel the steady pounding of Rey’s heartbeat as he crushed her against his chest. He knew he could win this fight. Rey wasn’t the least bit worried about it. While Devin wasn’t keen to agree, she also knew Ashley wouldn’t stop. Not until she was either dead or Devin was free. There was something to be said of the loyalty from an Alpha friend.

“She’s not anywhere she doesn’t want to be,” Beau snarled, limping in from the shadowy dance floor. Blood dripped from his face, eye already swelling and showing a blue-black tinge.
