Page 54 of Desperate

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She gasped, jumping as he applied pressure where his knot sat thick and heavy. Her own actions tugged at what felt like a fist lodged deep inside her, ready to split her open.

“Ow,” Devin whispered, not daring to draw more than a sip of air into her lungs. She wanted to scream, to claw at the man behind her. It came in a rush, tearing down the last vestiges of her serenity. Ripping away the languor seeping through her bones. Everything hurt.

Everything was sticky as well. Great swaths of fabric clung to her, glued to her flesh with their combined fluids. Horrified as she took in her limited view, Devin’s trembling fingers touched the nearest stiff fold. Her first mated nest. It was supposed to be something special. Something cherished for all time.

She’d made it under the watchful eyes of a stranger. Someone who cared nothing for her, caring even less what this all meant to her. Vague memories filtered through the primal haze that protected an Omega during their heat. It didn’t last, but in the moment, they could forget how they begged, pleaded, delighting in the abuse some Alpha heaped upon them.

“Aren’t you finished yet,” Devin hissed, smacking Rey’s hand away as he pulled her tighter. Forcing her to acknowledge the fullness, not letting her forget she was bound to him by the pulsing girth.

“Calm down.”

“Get it out of me,” Devin ground out through clenched teeth. She would have pulled herself off if she hadn’t been so sure it would leave her bleeding out on the floor. Despite her newfound death wish, she would not go out like that, by Gods.

Rey’s chest pressed against her as he took a deep breath. Figuring he was on his way to a lecture, informing her how her body was theirs to use, Devin did what she could to stop him. She shoved at the ruined blankets she could reach, kicking them off the bed when they hung on. Liquid misery spilled down her cheeks as she destroyed the last vestiges of comfort it might have offered.

“Why the fuck did you do that?” Rey growled low in his throat, rolling his weight on top of Devin. Covering her back, he tangled their legs then caught and held her hands when she thought to struggle.

“Because it’s ruined! I can’t get that back, you bastard,” Devin stammered out, unable to hold back the sob swelling through her chest. “You’ve taken everything else from me, why did you have to have that, too?”

“I did right by you,” he said, softening his tone. Warm fingers threaded through hers, thumbs seeking to drive away the chill invading her.

“You think… Gods, you do, don’t you?” Devin scoffed and shook her head, more to unseat Rey’s lips as they traced her nape. “Of course, why wouldn’t you? You both think this arrangement is a great deal for me, too.”

“You agreed to it.”

“I didn’t agree to being beaten and raped!”

“No one’s raped you.”

“Really? What do you call it when someone says ‘no’ and you continue? That’s definitely rape in my—”

“Calm down, Devin.” Rey groaned against her shoulder, lips brushing back and forth over her skin.

She recoiled, regretting it the moment she shifted. The thick heat spread through her belly, filling her. Another pulse of the knot had a scalding wave burning her raw insides. Gods, she didn’t even know how long it’d lasted. There was no telling how screwed up her system was now.

“Oh, Gods, no!” Devin tried to sit up, pushing against the bed to dislodge Rey. Ignoring his warnings and snarling, her shrill screams filled the dim room as she fought to be free of him.

An Omega was most fertile during her heat.

She’d never had the chance to take more than a single dose of the birth control.

“No, no, no. Get it out! Get it out of me now, Rey.” Devin’s tears couldn’t, wouldn’t be stopped now. Not as each awful scenario spun out of control in her mind’s eye, each more horrifying than the last. She clawed at the bed, ripping the sheets with her nails, flinging the filthy bedding away when it came apart in her hands.

“What the fuck is wrong with you,” Rey shouted as he grabbed Devin’s hands. Putting his weight on her wrists, he stretched them far out to her sides.

“I’m not on… only took one… Oh, Gods…”

“Shit. It’s okay, sweetheart. Don’t worry about that now.”

“You don’t get to say that to me!”

“It’s taken care of,” Rey snapped, lowering his weight back onto her with care.

Devin wailed, the worst of her fears coming to life. She should have known his concern had been false from the start. The light in all the darkness Beau heaped upon her nothing but lies to keep her off balance.

“No, not like that. Why do you screw me all up like this? Gods.” Rey heaved a sigh against her twisted curls, his nose working the heavy strands out of his way so he could whisper at her ear, “I gave you a shot while you were out. It should keep you safe, okay?”

“Should?” Devin hated the shrill, broken sound, barely recognizing it as her own voice, but this was where her choices had brought her.

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