Page 58 of Desperate

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“Not a true heat, gentlemen, but damn close,” Beau said, sweeping his hand back to present Devin as she writhed on the ground.

“Yours?” The tall man turned back to Beau, giving Devin no more attention.

“For the moment, though I’m hoping we can help one another out.” Beau took a careful step back, not letting any of them out of his sight. His torso turned in an attempt to bring their focus back to the panting female reeking of pheromones.

Whoever these people were, they weren’t so quick to fall to their baser instincts. At least not the one in the dark gray suit Beau spoke to. Thoughts spinning out into the starry sky, Devin bit her fist to muffle her scream as another cramp clawed through her stomach. She could smell them. Smoky darkness, dangerous, terrifying.


“I thought we agreed on a blonde,” the man in the suit said, sounding bored as gravel crunched beneath his polished shoes.

“That situation changed. Abruptly.” Beau cleared his throat, his smile strained as he launched into Devin’s qualifications. “This one is a spectacular specimen, gentlemen. She’s different from the rest, which if I remember correctly, was something you said was important to you. Educated, all the way through college, and with a variety of skills she’s learned in the workplace. While perhaps not what you want her for, I always suggest one with more than one use. Then again, conversation can be overrated. She’s not broken in, not entirely. You could groom her for whatever you want her to be. She never even had an Alpha until a few months—”

“She doesn’t look any different.”

“Some things are common ground once they get the itch to spread, but she’ll surprise you when you least expect it. I doubt she’d be too much of a challenge for a man of your caliber, but she’d keep it interesting.”

“Too skinny,” a massive shadow rasped.

Moving too fast for Devin to track as everything shifted and swirled, melding into blurry shapes, it came near. Shades of gray and blackness, all of them too close. She was losing the fight, slipping further under the relentless command of the hormones. Devin couldn’t hold back the desperate screams any longer.

Rough hands pawed at her slippery thighs, prying them apart. Loud sniffing came from every direction. Devin shrieked. Kicking. Biting. Scratching at whatever came under hand. Laughter flowed in a vicious tide that slammed into her chest and stole her breath as they mocked her struggles.

“She’s healthy enough. I’ve got all her records here if you want to look at them,” Beau said as someone silenced Devin with cruel fingers shoved deep into her mouth. “She’s prime material for your particular needs. No previous pregnancies, fertile, and best of all, she’s still fresh enough you won’t know you’re not the first.”

Devin tried to bite down on the invading fingers, to fling her curses at Beau even if she couldn’t get at him to gouge his eyes out. A warning growl came close to her ear, thick curls wrapped around a fist to jerk her head back. The stars swimming above her were replaced by glittering blue eyes, pale as ice. Lips curled in a snarl she couldn’t hear as she drowned in the glacial ocean of those eyes.

“I’ll try her first.”

“Sure, of course! I have a room set aside in the warehouse here. Not five-star accommodations, but it’ll do. We’ll just need to discuss the price first.”

Devin whined, twisting in the grip of so many hands. They grabbed, smearing her slick over her entire body as they shouldered one another out of the way. Squeezing her breasts, kneading her ass, wet fingers teased over her entrance though never entering her. Hip scored by rough gravel, she turned toward the scent of smoke, something far less insidious than the others, though the man decorated with scars appeared no less dangerous.

“There will be no charge.”

“No one gets a free ride in my town.”

“Ah, but this isn’t your town, is it, Elijah?” Suit sighing as he crouched over Devin, the unnamed man pinched her chin. Tugging her blown gaze toward him, his eyes appeared black in the faded illumination from far off sodium lights as he examined her like an insect under glass. “It belongs to someone else entirely, and I’m sure he wouldn’t appreciate you selling Omegas outside of his territory. Especially given his own pursuits in that area. Now, seeing as I am in the market, and you happen to have one you are not in need of, I see no reason to bring him into this. Unless you disagree, and we should conduct our business through him?”

Beau cleared his throat, lips pursed as he glanced down at Devin, weighing the possible consequences of being found out against whatever price this man might be charged.

“Okay, fine.” Beau flashed his teeth, a grimace parading as a smile. “I’m sure you can at least agree to not breaking any bones.”

“A reasonable expectation.” The man rose, beckoning two fingers.

Devin was given no chance to respond. One moment she was being molested, the next the icy giant had her against his chest. The faintest rumble emanated from his chest as he followed behind the man in the suit.

“Hey, I agreed to you, not two.”

“He’ll not touch her.”

“Compensation if for any reason she dies while she’s in there,” Beau called at their backs.

“If she can’t handle a real Alpha mounting her, she isn’t worth the price you’ve already quoted me.” The man laughed, as if he found the entire situation amusing as he turned back at the bay door to pin Beau beneath his cold stare. “I’m feeling generous tonight, though, so I will give you what I deem is an acceptable amount if it happens.”

The one carrying Devin found the cracked door, light spilling out into the cold open space of the warehouse. An office stripped to the studs, a rickety bed and table all that remained.

“Disgusting,” the man said through a growl, hiking Devin higher on his chest as if to keep even the thought of the matted filth from touching her dangling toes as he turned sideways to enter.
