Page 31 of Cry For Me

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There was nothing stopping him from ascending the steps. The murmurs and whispers, the low calls from behind him were inconsequential as his boots thumped up the steps and onto the wooden stage where his kitten hung from fluffy leather wrist cuffs, her body sheened with sweat beneath the soft lighting.

She looked...delightful.

Naked and vulnerable, her hair expertly braided into a short tail down her back. She wore a blindfold, but her head tilted curiously toward him as she picked up the sound of his boots. A moment later, her head lifted as she scented the air. Her lips quivered, firmed, but she didn't say a word.

Good girl, he thought proudly. He was the intruder here; for now, whatever orders Atticus had given her were her law.

The man himself stepped out of the shadows, tapping a cane casually against the thick thigh wrapped in black jeans. His chest was bare, his arms crossed over the muscles. One big hand tap-tap-tapping the switch against his leg as they weighed each other up. "So. Finally put on your big boy boxers and came home, did you? Not that I'm not happy to see you, J, but you have a bad habit of interrupting my scenes lately."

Jasper grinned. "Don't worry, Atticus, it'll be the last time, I promise."

"Says who? You?" Atticus strolled over to Anarchy and unfolded his arms, running his hand down her spine and over her ass, giving it a quick squeeze. When she mewled, Jasper's cock stirred behind his zipper. "You don't have a voice here anymore, Jasper. Not when it comes to this submissive. I like her and, quite honestly, I'm giving serious thought to keeping her."

Over my dead body. Flexing his fingers, Jasper tried not to clench them into fists. Civilized conversation, he reminded himself, not brutal homicide. "Maybe we should ask Anarchy what she would like to do. I made a mistake, I admit that. Taking time to get my shit under control was necessary," he confessed. "How I took that time was wrong."

"Hmmm." Atticus rubbed his chin and started to pace around Anarchy, flicking at her skin with the cane. She jolted and jerked, dancing in place as she squirmed. "I do believe I told you to come back with an apology, brother. On your knees, if I remember correctly." The cane struck the perfect curve of the underside of Anarchy's left breast. She lifted onto her toes with a startled cry that brought Jasper's cock to full attention. "I'm not hearing an apology, and you ain't on your knees."

This wasn't the best time to pick a fight. In the middle of a public scene, with eyes and ears locked on the stage to catch every word, every movement. This would fuel the gossip mill for months, but Jasper didn't care. His time away had only proved how empty his life was without the club, his friends, his Anarchy.

The past, hispast, couldn't be allowed to taint his future with Anarchy.

"I don't get on my knees for anyone, Atticus." Jasper strode forward and let the cane slap into his palm as Atticus swung it toward Anarchy's other breast. He couldn't help but notice the jut of her nipples, even as fire burned in a line across his hand, spreading outwards. Hissing between his teeth, he wrenched the damn thing out of his friend's grasp and tossed it aside. "I won't be starting with you."

When Atticus scowled, Jasper gave him the cold shoulder. He focused all his attention on the trussed-up sub moaning softly, blind to the chaos he was causing in her universe. His hands cupped her cheeks, let her know he was standing in front of her. "Anarchy. Kitten." His lips twitched when she shivered with the use of his pet name for her. "This is rude of me, I know. Interrupting things with your..." he almost choked on the next word. "Dominant."

Her lips pressed together so tightly, they turned white at the edges.

"I'm not proud of what I did, kitten. Hurting you was...fuck, it was cruel. I only wanted the best for you, and I thought I wasn't it. I'm still not convinced that I am what you need, but I figured out that youare what I need. That's fucking selfish, I get that. I'm asking if you'll forgive me, if you'll consider giving me an undeserved second chance so I can try and make you happy." He ran his thumbs over her cheekbones, clenching his teeth as his palm screamed. "If you say no, I'll understand the damage I've done is irreparable, and I'll shoulder all the blame. As much as I hope you'll say yes, do what is right for you."

He hated not being able to see her eyes. She told him so much with those eyes, and the blindfold was as effective at blinding him as it was for her. Unable to help himself, he moved closer, ignoring Atticus's warning growl, and let her naked body press up against him. She fit him just right, in all the best places, and he ached.

Throwing everything to the wind, he cradled her head in his uninjured hand and held her still as his lips whispered over hers. Barely touching, yet feeling the spark between them ignite. He couldn't express how big an idiot he'd been, he just didn't have the words. He had to hope she could see past his stupidity and give him another chance.

Because if she said no, he'd have to kill Atticus. Slowly.

Archie's tongue darted out and licked his lips. Warmth spread through him and Jasper basked in it even as he let her explore his mouth at her own speed. Long, slow kisses. The first taste of her was...fuck, he knew from one taste he wouldn't be able to kiss another woman without wishing she was Archie. Sweet, soft, and too fucking innocent.

For a moment, his confidence wavered in the face of her innocence. Then he cast his doubts aside, already tangled up in the beauty of her, and plundered. Without thinking, he lifted her by the hips, nipped at her lower lip when her legs wrapped around his waist without him saying a word. He ground against her, using the roughness of the denim over his erection as a weapon, and was gratified to feel a wet spot bloom.

From him or her, he didn't know.

Archie moaned into his mouth, then laughed when he tried to pull her tighter to him. "The only way you're getting closer, Master Jasper, is by taking out that cock and putting it inside me."

"Don't tempt me," he growled.

She sighed and twisted until he let her go, setting her on her feet and stepping back when she was steady. Dread filled his stomach as he realized his future came down to the next few moments, and he wasn't at all sure which way she was aiming. "Master Atticus, please can you get me down?"

Jasper's heart broke a little. She'd called him Master Jasper, sure, and that was promising, but he didn't like how she was asking for Atticus's help. He wanted to punch the smirk off his friend's face as he swaggered up to the hanging sub and deftly unfastened one wrist. There was nothing to do but watch Atticus wrap a thick arm around Anarchy's narrow waist to support her as he unclipped the second cuff, catching her as she sagged and clung to him.

Fucker. He realized he was snarling under his breath and forced himself to stand exactly where he was. If he moved a muscle, he was going to tackle the bigger man to the ground regardless of their size and weight differences and break his goddamn face.

"Here, little bit. Let's get this off." Gently, Atticus removed the blindfold and smiled down at her in a way that made Jasper's guts twist. It was the intimate smile of a man mired in a woman. The son of a bitch had the audacity to glance at Jasper, humor in his eyes, before looking back at Archie. "You're sure about this, Archie?"

She blinked those big, beautiful brown eyes and nodded. "This is what we wanted, right? What we've been working toward?" She rose on her tiptoes, wobbling slightly, to kiss Atticus lightly on the mouth. "Thank you, Master Atticus. For everything."

Goddamn it, that mouth was his. That body was his. But he couldn't wrap his brain around what Anarchy was saying. It almost sounded like...goodbye. Indeed, it looked that way too, when Atticus stroked a fingertip across her cheek and walked away, pausing beside Jasper.

"Glad you took the bait, you idiot. I'd have belted you if you'd let her get away." Atticus slapped his hand on Jasper's shoulder and almost popped his arm out of the socket. "We've missed you, Jasper. Don't pull another disappearing act like that again."
