Page 35 of Cry For Me

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"Vaginal sex," he purred in her ear.

Her lips found a tasty spot on his neck, licking like the kitten he called her, sucking gently on the same spot. His skin had a touch of tang, the salt of sweat. "That's gonna be a green, Sir."

"Thought it might. Okay, kitten, last one and then we'll go play. Fisting."

Anarchy sat up slowly, blinking to set her vision straight. She gave him the stink eye, orgasm forgotten. "Excuse me, did you just say—"

"Fisting." Jasper repeated the word easily, then held his hand up in front of her. Big hand, broad at the knuckles, wide of palm. He spread his fingers wide, then turned it into a fist before forming his fingers into a cone shape. "It takes some work on my part, plenty of lube and time. It isn't something to be rushed, but it teases a submissive with both pleasure and pain. More on the pleasurable side when it's done right."

Wary, Archie reached out and stroked her fingers over his hand. She clenched her thighs together, unsure if she was completely squicked out or ready to have another orgasm. Before tonight, he'd never given her an opportunity to touch him so freely. This intimacy was fascinating and overwhelming, and she just wanted to sit here until the sun rose, playing with his fingers and basking in the joy of being withhim.

"I-I don't think I've seen anyone do that in Avalon," she murmured, frowning down at his hand. "It sounds risky. Is it risky? Because..." God, her babble-o-meter was ticking along at full capacity. "I mean, there must be complications, right? I know babies come out of there, but I'm not really sure I want a fist shoved into me. Jeez, that sounds wrong. What if there’s a vacuum effect and my vagina sort of sucks you in and you get stuck? Or...or..."

"That's some disturbing imagery right there. Calm the imagination down, kitten. Firstly, if we try a scene like that, I'll take on the responsibility of complications—not that there'd be any. Secondly, one does not shovea fist into a pussy without due care and attention. Not unless you're a dick, a Neanderthal, or just plain stupid. And lastly, your pussy does not have superpowers; it is not a vortex capable of capturing a man and ripping him to pieces."


His fingers pressed against her mouth, shushing her. "Ifyou give me green on this, we'll discuss it further. I know a couple who indulge in this kink often; we can meet up for a coffee with them, ask them questions to ease your anxiety. Hell, they enjoy exhibitionism—I'm sure we could persuade them to do a demonstration for the club, with Braun's permission, if you'd like that."

Cheeky Anarchy sneaked out, stretching and purring with her new freedom. Moving her head slightly set his fingertips against the seam of her lips and, with a hungry laugh, she opened them and enveloped two of his digits into the heat of her mouth. Moaning teasingly under her breath, she sucked on them, swirled her tongue around them, and enjoyed his taste.

"Goddamn it, girl." Jasper's voice was rough, the same tone he used when he was immersed in a scene. "Give me an answer so I can take you next door and finally take what's fucking mine." He dragged his fingers from her mouth; she relinquished them with a firm pop. "Better hope you can suck cock as well as you suck fingers, Anarchy. I've been dying to see those lips wrapped around me while I fill your throat."

Oh, to hell with it, she thought. Live once, live dangerously, and do what scares you most. Her patience had served her well over the last few months, but shadowing Jasper was no longer an option. It was time to either shut up and submit or walk away and don't look back. "Green, Master Jasper."

Jasper lifted her off his lap and onto her feet, shearing his palm over her bare butt with a solid smack of flesh on flesh. As she jumped and rubbed the sting from her ass, he gave her a solid nudge forward. "Go to Master Liam and ask him for my toy bag, kitten. I'll meet you by the walkway in two minutes."

Archie frowned at him, her memories skipping back over the nine months and coming up empty. "Um, Sir?"

"Yes, kitten?"

"You don't have a toy bag, Sir." She'd never seen him with a bag in all her time knowing him. Some Doms carried them around from the moment they entered Avalon until they left, but Jasper always used club implements for his scenes.

His grin was wicked, and just a little ominous at the edges. "Says who? I'm in possession of a fully equipped toy box at home, Anarchy, full of all my favorite things to play with. I've just never had a submissive special enough to warrant bringing any of it to the club. Until tonight." His eyebrow flicked up. "Now do as you're told, else there'll be no more coming for you this evening."

With a giddy squeak of alarm, she hurried off toward the bar, awash with the knowledge he already saw her as different to the other subs he'd played with. That he saw her as special. As it dawned on her she was about to get down and dirty not only with the man she loved but a freaking sadist,she was torn between anxiety and glee.

Her time had finally come.


The sadist in him was already surging close to the surface, already eroding away the man he was and leaving behind the craving for pain. As he watched Anarchy's naked butt jiggle on her way to obey his order, he thought about what he was going to do to those pale curves. He wanted to try a longer scene with her, test her limits and her resistance, but the pressure behind his zipper told him short and sweet would have to suffice for now.

"Please tell me you're not going to flay that little sub alive, Jasper." Atticus spoke quietly, but his voice still rumbled like an avalanche. Dark green eyes were watching him with suspicion. "I know the look on your face, brother, and it usually doesn't bode well for your submissive of the night."

Jasper's libido didn't diminish under his friend's scrutiny, but his temper flared. "Like I'm going to throw this chance away? I may have been an idiot for almost a fucking year, but I'm not going to do something to blow this, Att. I want to see where this takes Anarchy and me; that won't happen if I send her running for the hills in our first scene."

Across the room, his sub was hopping from foot to foot in her excitement. Her enthusiasm made him smile. Standing at the bar, she'd already drawn Liam's attention and the bearded blond Master was smitten with her. He winked at her as he handed over the brown leather bag holding all of Jasper's best toys.

"Leave them be, Atticus. They've waited long enough to explore their relationship." Braun said absently, still cradling his sub. Bodie almost looked stoned, she was so out of contact with the rest of the universe. "I think I need to take Boadicea home, she's not been feeling well for the past few days. Liam will be in charge, but Connie, would you and Atticus mind keeping an eye on things until closing?"

Connie sat upright. "Not well how?"

Spotting Anarchy standing by the doors to the walkway, Jasper made his excuses and left Connie to do her job of nosing into other people's business. He'd bet she had Bodie's life secrets laid out within ten minutes; the Mistress had a knack of sliding inside a person and ferreting out information, but in such a way it was like they volunteered it rather than having it extracted.

He wondered what she'd find in his head, given the chance.

Too damn much.
