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“I don’t know,” I tell her, “but it won’t be good.”

My cell phone rings. It’s Dario. As I answer, Rosa returns to the room, sitting next to my Emma, reminding me why I can’t indulge in this. It reminds me why I can’t open this door inside of me with the fire. It’ll explode.

“It was easy to get the answers we need,” Dario says. “Matvei is wanted in two states for serious shit against women, one of them a minor girl. The first case is open and shut. He used a fake name so they couldn’t find him, but I sent our fella a picture, and he confirmed it was the same guy. Saw him with his own eyes. Saw what he did to the girl. He’s on camera entering and leaving the place he took her.”

“Jesus Christ.”

I look at my daughter, sweet Rosa, the best thing that’s ever happened to me, orwasbefore I met… I can’t think like that.

“What’s the play here, Leo?” Dario says. “Because I’ve got a few ideas.”

“Wait for my word.”

“Okay. Right, but please, don’t take too long. He would’ve done the same thing to Rosa. These people need to be stopped.”

I hang up, looking at my daughter. “That was Uncle Dario.”


“Matvei is guilty of at least two serious crimes against women. Well, one woman, one girl. Open and shut case. He’s an evil bastard.”

“He was going to do the same to you,” Emma says fiercely.

I imagine her using the same tone when talking about our children, that same heated protection. It makes no sense thinking this. She loves Rosa, which is the exact reasonwecan never work.

Rosa throws her hands up, then stands and paces. She ends up at the door. “Just-just tell Uncle Dee to do whatever he decides, okay? I can’t make this decision. I’m sorry. I want to be alone.”

She leaves the room quickly. Emma stands and goes after her, looking at me over her shoulder. “Where should I go after I’ve spoken to her? The basement or here? Where am Iallowed?”

Sassiness mixes with bitterness.

“You can come here,” I say gruffly.

She leaves the room. Even now, I’m an animal as I study her body, fertile curves, and the personality in each footstep.

“Brother?” Dario answers hopefully.

“It’s your choice to make,” I say. “That’s her decision.”

Dario laughs gruffly. “I’m going to do it right now. Piece of shit. Can you imagine what would’ve happened to our Rosa, Leo? Angelica’s daughter?”

His voice gets husky and fierce. I can hear his loud footsteps echoing as he walks across what sounds like a large room and then Matvei’s heavy accent, pleading.

“No, wait. He’s got it wrong. I hurt nobody. I am a good man. It is all a jo—”


“Disgusting,” Dario goes on, letting out a shuddering breath. “The things people will do. The things they’ll eventhink. Dad used to tell me there are monsters in this world.

“I remember.”

“When I had nightmares or was scared that there was a monster in the closest. Most dads would tell you, no, son, you’re safe, but Dad told me therearemonsters. I just have to be strong enough to fight them.”

“And you are. You did well.”

“He’s lucky I can’t kill him twice.”

“Amen to that.”
