Page 101 of The Consigliere

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“No, sir. Not at all.”

Grinning, he patted my bottom then swatted it again. “Good girl.”

The praise was like a shot of electricity and desire all rolled into one. When he eased my head down, I took several deep breaths as the spanking continued. I was no longer surprised that the pain tingled every one of my senses or that I was wet almost immediately. I envisioned the stain I’d leave on his trousers, which gave the naughty girl inside of me a smile.

He shifted, yanking me closer, powering his hand down in rapid succession. Tingles floated down the backs of my legs even as the anguish increased.

There was something magical about what he was doing, dominating as well as protecting me. He peppered my bottom several times, the heat on my skin matching the explosive waves of fire vibrating my system. Then as he slipped his hand between my legs, I let off a ragged sigh.

Then he flipped me over onto his lap, wrapping his hand around the back of my neck. “I told you, baby, that I’m no hero. I don’t ever want to be called that. A real hero saves lives without taking them. I’m not proud of some things I’ve done, some choices I’ve made, but this is who I am. Up to this point, I haven’t allowed myself to feel much of anything for years. A man like me can’t have weaknesses; that’s what I learned a long time ago, way before I accepted my position as Consigliere.”

“What are you trying to say to me?” Another ache shot through my heart.

“Patience, baby. Patience.”

I pushed my hand against his chest, studying his eyes. I’d never seen such raw emotion in them, a fire unlike anything most men held. It was as if he’d finally realized that life was worth living.

And that maybe, just maybe he could learn to forgive himself.

“I’m saying that when you came back into my life in Vegas, even if I’d known the beautiful Luna was you, I couldn’t have been the man you needed. I was lost in the past, in the savages of bloody battles and a realization that some wars weren’t worth fighting. I could only be your fantasy and nothing else. Even then, I would have destroyed the fire that burns so brightly deep inside. That would have crushed me.”

“I didn’t think you wanted me.” I hated the sound of hurt in my voice. “When I admitted that I wanted to marry you so long ago, I realized I would never be anything but a kid to you.”

He rubbed his hand down my face, shaking his head. “I was a stupid guy back then too, but I didn’t need Mike to tell me what I already knew in that I wasn’t good enough for you. You deserved to accomplish all the wonderful things you did without me dragging you down.”

“You wouldn’t have done that.”

“Oh, yeah, I would have.”

“And now?”

“Now, I realize that the greatest strength a man can have is the love and support of a woman standing right beside him. You are that person, the only one I need in my life. Maybe I knew then that you already belonged to me. So hear me and don’t forget it. You’re mine, baby, whether you like it or not. I love you and together we’re going to be a force to be reckoned with.”

As he captured my mouth, I wrapped my arm around his neck. The young girl with dazzling fantasies had managed to find the man of her dreams.

And there was nothing sweeter than the joy of knowing I’d been right about him all along.



“Do you believe that revenge is best served cold?” Max asked.

“Nah. I think it’s best served like you were stoking a fire, with the red-hot end of a poker.”

He laughed. “I always said I liked mine hot as sin, but I think I prefer your analogy better.”

“I’m a more brutal man than you are.”

“Like hell you are. You’re an old softie now that you have a woman in your life.”

I gave him a look as I pulled into the neighborhood where Killian lived. Since forming an alliance with him a year before, both Max and I had been to his house a few times. This time, Max had called, wanting to talk to him about my ‘death.’ I couldn’t wait to see the look of surprise on his face.

“That woman might become a member of my team.”

“You mean our team,” he said then laughed. “Wait a minute. Are you freaking serious?”

“She’s an accomplished hacker. She has weaponry skills. She has better deductive reasoning than Wally for example. Plus, she’s good with people.”
