Page 108 of The Consigliere

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“The gallery is packed,” she whispered.

“All for you, baby.”

She turned toward me, pressing her hand against my heart. “You’re the reason I started painting.”

“I am?”

As Max and Raleigh moved beside us, I notice Gio was already beaming, Mike waiting by the door.

“You talked about all the places you wanted to go. Do you remember that?”

Until that moment, I hadn’t. “You remembered?”

“Of course I did. I researched all the places you mentioned and started there. I love you, Danny Briggs.”

“And I love you, Madisen Alexander. More than any man should be allowed. Come and join in the party in your honor.” As I opened the door to the gallery, Mike immediately whistled.

“Whew. I can’t call you my baby sister any longer,” he said.

“Thank you for being here.” She grabbed him around the neck, pulling him in close.

“I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”

“This must be the beautiful artist,” Jacque said, his French accent more pronounced than usual. At least his onceover and lurid smile didn’t annoy me since he was happily married to the man of his dreams.

“I am.”

“Come, my dear. Allow me to introduce you to some patrons. You’ve already sold fifteen pieces. I’ll need to discuss commissioning at least twenty more when you have the time.”

As Jacque led her away, I shoved my hands in my pockets.

“You did good, brother,” Max told me.

“I didn’t do too badly after all.”

“You love her.”

“With all my heart.”

He patted me on the back for a second time. “Welcome to the land of the living.”

As people surrounded her, Max leading Raleigh away, I stood where I was, enjoying the moment. Mike flanked my side, taking a deep breath.

“I wanted to say I’m sorry for being such a dick,” he said reverently.

“I didn’t notice. Were you?” I gave him a sideways glance, grabbing a glass of champagne as a waiter walked by.

“Asshole,” he muttered then grinned. “You’re a good guy. You were always better than me. I was just too stubborn to tell you.” He turned to face me, holding out his hand.

I acted as if I was going to punch him then accepted. “So, I was wondering something.”

“Sure. What is it?”

Laughing, I didn’t realize how nervous I was. “I’d like your permission in asking for your sister’s hand in marriage.”

He coughed then narrowed his eyes. “You’re serious.”

“I am.” I lifted my eyebrows, concerned he’d say no. I had no idea how I’d proceed if he did since there was no chance in hell I was letting her go.
