Page 17 of The Consigliere

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“Hell, no,” he said, huffing afterwards. “That’s sick, dude.”

Thank God. With the girl’s long legs and rounded hips, my mind went to every filthy thing I would enjoy doing to her. Then it dawned on me what he’d just said. “Whoa. Sick? What are you talking about?”

“That’s Madisen, for God’s sake. You remember, the chick who bounced on your knee a few times, begging you to read her a story? That Madisen.”


“She just appeared on my doorstep a few days ago. Shocked the fuck out of me. I don’t have room for her but she’s insisting she needs a couple weeks of respite, whatever the fuck that means. I have a feeling she’s gotten herself into some kind of trouble. Again. That girl needs discipline in her life but she’s old enough I can’t lock her in her room any longer.”

“I’m sorry. What did you say?” I took another long look, my balls tightening.

Squinting, he gave me a funny look. “You know Madisen, Maddy, my sister? Christ, buddy. It’s like you just saw a ghost. I know it’s been a few years, but you remember the little girl who tagged along with us almost wherever we went?”

Holy fuck. Now I really felt like a shit. “You’re shittin’ me.” The last time I’d seen his kid sister had been several years before. She’d been a cute girl of maybe ten or twelve. I’d barely gotten to talk to her at the time, the event somber given the death of their parents. Before that, she’d been a little chatterbox, all doe-eyed and insistent she had a crush on me. I was a hell of a lot older than her, someone she looked up to, which had always surprised me. She’d come to me for advice, crying on my shoulder over some asshole who’d bullied her in school.

I’d never told her that I’d had a ‘chat’ with more than one kid. At least my interference had stopped their bad behavior. Likely because they were terrified of me.

From what I remembered, I’d lost my appeal to the girl, my usual bristly attitude turning her innocent adoration into dislike. Granted, I was an arrogant prick back then, even my mother calling me insufferable.

Time, war, and my recent promotion had tempered me, although I still considered myself a bad man, far too much for an innocent woman like Madisen. I forced myself to look away, shoving the beast back into his lair.

There were some lines friends didn’t cross. Fucking his baby sister was one of them.

Mike had made certain to tell me that more than once.

“Nope. She’s all grown up now but still a handful. She’s got her own life out in Vegas. Moved there after college. Card shark or something from what I hear. Crazy shit if you ask me. Anyway, she wanted to tag along tonight. I hope you don’t mind.”


The single word captured my attention. I’d been to the slick city once in my life. I didn’t plan on returning.

“Been a long time,” I said in passing. A card shark? That didn’t sound anything like what I remembered. Then again, I didn’t pay that much attention to anything but what I’d deemed important.

“True. The funeral. I hated that was the last time. I know you got busy. So did I.” Mike and I had talked over the years, getting together a couple of times, but whereas I’d served my country over several years, he’d been forced to take two jobs to be able to send Madisen to college.

“Yeah.” Everything had changed in the past few years.

As Madisen came closer, I was thrown by how electrified my body had become. She’d been a happy, precocious kid until their parents had been killed. Then when Mike had been forced to become her only parent as well as her brother, she’d turned into an absolute wild child for at least six months. Mike and I had the kind of friendship where if we didn’t talk for a couple of years, it was like we hadn’t missed a beat. He’d told me about some of her antics, including almost getting herself arrested.

Maddy looked me up and down, her sunglasses making it impossible to read her expression. However, when she took them off, I was thrown by the luminescence of her eyes. They’d always been blue, but today they shimmered, drawing me into her deep sapphire pools.

“Danny,” she said. Even her voice was entirely different, sultry in an entirely far too grownup way. She’d been the only person to call me Danny long before I’d been given the moniker of Viper. There was a strange tension I hadn’t felt before, maybe because she’d just been a kid tagging along after two grown men, jabbering about boys and school.

She took a deep breath, allowing her gaze to fall. That was the very moment all the air was sucked out of my lungs, every rational thought in my brain tossed aside. I became some Neanderthal grunt, wanting nothing more than to drag my tongue from the edge of her jaw to her luscious mouth. The light breeze wasn’t helping, floating her insanely exotic perfume directly to my nostrils, the hint of spice and something deliciously floral assaulting my senses.

Get a grip, asshole.

I was certain she’d seen how stiff my cock had become, but that wasn’t as bad as the heavy breathing coming from Mike’s throat.

This was going nowhere good fast.

That kind of reaction had only happened once before. I couldn’t go through that again.

“If it isn’t the little pipsqueak, Maddy,” I said in return, which is what I’d called her years before. That’s the only way I could think about her at this point. Anything else was wrong.

When she dragged her tongue across her lips, my balls tightened for a second time, but her reaction was out of distaste, not desire.

Still, there was a distinct awkward moment between us and Mike turned his head in my direction, studying my reaction.
