Page 22 of The Consigliere

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A few seconds passed and Ethan Porter cleared his throat as he leaned forward in the chair. He always answered for me when I slipped into a fog. “He’s rich, powerful, good looking by chick standards, and thinks his shit doesn’t stink.”

“Then how do we handle him?” Zach pushed. The man was eager. I’d give him that. He’d taken his shadowing position like a man on a mission.

“We bust his balls.” The fifth man on my team was a real brute, which is exactly what I’d wanted to hire after mostly losing Max to his work in New York. Wally Jones was lethal, one of the best explosives man in the business, and had a penchant for staying one step ahead of assassins and stalkers. I’d needed that in particular after the ugly tragedy.

While the team laughed, I remained with my feet on the desk, swirling a glass of whiskey with one hand as I continued rubbing the three-day stubble on my jaw. And all I could do was think about Madisen.

“Earth to the bossman,” Stephen said.

It took a few additional seconds for me to react, lifting my middle finger on purpose just to let them know I’d heard every word they’d said. I dropped my feet, leaning forward so quickly surprise registered in their eyes.

“That ballgame of yours go to shit a couple nights ago or did something happen with the quick assignment last night?” Ethan asked, lifting his eyebrows.

“Nothing you need to worry about. Look. None of us like to deal with assholes like Callaway, but we were hired to do a job and that’s what we’re gonna do. You got it?”

All four men glanced back and forth at each other. While they’d become used to my mood swings since what we only referred to as ‘the incident,’ I was in more of a surly mood than ever and it reflected in their eyes. The last few assignments were huge moneymakers but being a bodyguard to people who acted holier than thou had lost all appeal. Maybe that had more to do with the work I’d handled with Max and the Cosa Nostra.


Maybe I really meant the bloodshed I’d caused.

“Of course, boss,” Ethan answered first while Stephen sat back in his chair, folding his arms and glaring at me. “Come on, guys. I need to prep you on our next assignment after Callaway’s mission ends. We’ll do that in the other room.”

Zach seemed more conflicted than the others. Three weeks was just enough to get his feet wet and nothing else. We were a supportive team, including for personal issues.

Except for me.

I never allowed anyone to know anything about my life.

“Hey, boss,” Zach said. “I know you have some stuff going on. I’ll do anything I can to help. You just say the word.”

I tilted my head, nodding twice. “I appreciate that, Zach. It’s about time to get you on the regular roster.”

“Fan-fucking-tastic,” he said, grinning like a kid before walking out of the room.

Stephen got up as if to leave and I powered back the rest of the whiskey. Given the odd hours we worked, while it was still before noon for most people in LA, to me it was just the finish of a long day. I’d been asked for personally to protect a model while she worked and partied, a leftover from my days of dating the actress. I’d made mental note never to accept assignments from anywhere close to Hollywood.

When I heard the door slam, I snapped my head toward the sound.

Stephen shook his head. “You need a vacation.”

“We’re too busy and I have shit to deal with in New York.” Already Max had emailed regarding another meeting in two weeks. With the recent threat, tensions were high in New York. I’d already developed a theory of who was pissing in our territory, but I needed to ensure my notion was correct or a war could be started that no one wanted.

“You’re going to explode at the wrong time if you don’t. Is this about last night’s assignment?” he continued pressing.

“Fuck, no. The girl was hammered by midnight.”

“Uh-huh. So what gives?”

“Nothing I can’t handle.” I poured half a glass then capped off the bottle. I wanted a hot shower and few hours of sleep. Maybe then my mood would improve. However, there was a single pitstop I intended on making.

“Well, at least Zach is one eager man. He’s grilled me for days about our activities, who you are. How he can help.”

“Eager is good,” I said absently. In truth, right now I wasn’t paying but so much attention, which wasn’t in my best interest.

“Are you still having nightmares about that girl who…” Hell, none of my men wanted to say the words of admittance.

I’d allowed a girl to die.
