Page 24 of The Consigliere

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I heard the engine of his car as he pulled into the driveway. I’d helped myself to a beer from his refrigerator, if for no other reason than allowing him to realize how dangerous I was. Were my actions risky? Oh, hell, yes, but Killian wasn’t a fool. He didn’t want to start a war that he couldn’t win. At least I’d know what our empire was in store for if the warning was relayed.

Knowledge was king in the world of underground operations, something I’d learned quickly after becoming Max’s adviser.

As Sean opened his front door, tossing his keys onto the small entrance foyer table and immediately disarming the security system, he didn’t notice I was sitting only yards away from him in the living room.

He took two steps before realizing he had company. When he reached for one of three weapons I’d found inside the house, I lifted the one he was looking for, aiming it at his chest.

The look of recognition was immediate, although he did his best to mask his reaction.

“What the fuck are you doing in my house?” he demanded.

“Is that any way to talk to an old friend, Sean?”

“I don’t know who the fuck you are. I suggest you get out before I handle the situation myself.” When he moved toward the kitchen, I laughed.

“I collected the one in your refrigerator as well as in your bedroom. You don’t do a very good job of disguising your hiding places.” I purposely took another sip of beer before leaning over, slamming the bottle on the coffee table. Then I stood, moving toward him.

He remained perturbed but knew better than to make a move.

“What the fuck do you want, Viper?”

“Oh, so you do remember me. That’s excellent, Sean. Now, we can cut to the chase. Why are you here?”

“I fucking left the crazy shit life.”

“That’s bullshit and you know it. Why did Killian send you?” I walked closer, studying his reactions. I was a damn good judge of character, my observation skills keeping me alive in every business I’d worked in. He hadn’t expected a visit, uncertain what to do.

“You’re wrong.”

“I’m wrong? So, if I did Killian a favor and let him know you were here, you wouldn’t care.”

There was a single flash of fear in his eyes. Interesting. It was likely he understood that Killian wouldn’t be happy he’d been discovered. That wasn’t my problem.

“Fuck, man. I’m just trying to live a normal life. Okay? That’s all I want.”

I pocketed his weapon, taking out my own as I walked closer. “Here’s what I’m going to do. I’m going to leave you with a choice. Either you let Killian know I’m fully aware that he was behind the attempted assassination of Don Powers, or you can refuse to say anything and I’ll be back to finish our conversation. If that occurs, you won’t like my tone. Now, it’s entirely up to you how you choose to provide the information.”

“Is that all you want?” he snickered and folded his arms in his attempt to dismiss me. It was obvious he had no real understanding of who I was and more important, what I could do.

I took a deep breath, rubbing my jaw and allowing several seconds to pass. The fact he wasn’t sweating was a dead giveaway I was right with my assumptions.

It also meant something else. He would use the knife he always carried the moment I attempted to leave. Every member of a crime syndicate had a favorite weapon. Like Gio, he preferred an up close and very personal method of handling an enemy.

Maybe I was in the mood to spill blood.

As I headed for the door, I allowed myself to smile. “One more thing. You can remind him of the alliance he has with our organization. If he dares attempt another assassination or injures a single one of my men, then he and his entire family will learn about the wrath of God.”

“Is that what you think you are?”

I eased my weapon into my jacket pocket, offering a pleasant grin.

“I doubt you want to find out.” As expected, the moment I turned my head, he attempted to drive a blade into my gut. I had him in a choke hold in two seconds, wrapping my hand around the open fingers of his other hand. “It doesn’t seem you learn very quickly, Sean. I guess I’m going to need to give you a lesson.”

“Fuck you.”

He struggled in my hold, still determined to use the jagged hunting knife.

I added a pressure point to his palm, curling his fingers as if I was going to fist his hand. When he hissed in pain, I released the pressure slightly.
