Page 27 of The Consigliere

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I felt like such an outsider as I walked around all the way around the pool, brushing my fingers across the beautiful furniture before heading to the house. Maybe he’d left one of the French doors unlocked.

Hesitating, I finally tried one, certain I’d hear an alarm going off at some point. I was shocked that not only was it unlocked but there was no sound at all. I stepped inside, carefully closing it behind me. Then I took several deep breaths, already feeling safer. The room was what I’d call a man’s cave complete with a pool table, old-fashioned pinball machines, a large ornate bar, and rich leather furniture.

The scent reminded me of the rugged man, full of citrus and sandalwood. Or maybe it was the hint of aftershave I’d caught and still lingered in my system. I walked cautiously through the downstairs, moving to the next level. The entire time I chastised my decision to break in, but he’d always been considered family even if Mike hadn’t seen him often in the last few years.

Once on the landing, I listened for any sounds. Hearing none, I ventured forward, moving from room to room. His house was gorgeous without being Hollywood glamorous, comfortable in style and adorned simply.

I peered into the living room then returned to the kitchen where I was ready to wait. I’d rehearsed what I was going to say to Viper, but thinking about it in my mind once again made it seem like what it was.

A lie.

As I reminded myself I had no other choice, I thought I heard a creaking noise. Was it footsteps? I leaned against the counter and held my breath, a trickle of apprehension scouring my system. When I heard a noise, I jerked around toward the doorway, hitting a solid brick wall of muscle and bone.

He’d stormed into the room, all six foot four inches of him, dressed in nothing but a towel.

And he had a gun in his hand.


Five minutes earlier


All I’d wanted to do was to take a relaxing shower, washing away the grit and stench of several perfumes off my skin.

As usual, my private time was interrupted.

The breach in security had come when I’d had soap in my eyes. The timing was impeccable, pissing me off. It was the middle of the afternoon and someone had dared break into my house? Either he was a stupid son of a bitch, or he had a death wish.

While I had no access to the security cameras in the master bath, there wasn’t a room in the house without a communication station installed. That had been the first installation the moment I’d purchased the house. In my line of work, security was imperative.

And I refused to have soldiers or guards keeping watch as they did with Max. My personal life was all mine. While I’d had a few random threats over the years, there’d been nothing serious enough to require permanent guards keeping watch over my house. I’d tricked out the estate myself utilizing the finest in security and communications equipment, also having a secret room built without being located on the building plans. Currently, it had enough weapons, tracking gear, and surveillance equipment to ward off a dozen soldiers if they came knocking at my door.

However, the bottom line was I didn’t like to be disturbed.

I yanked a towel from the rack, still dripping wet as I secured it around my waist. While I wouldn’t take the time to put on some clothes, that didn’t mean I’d have a disadvantage. I’d trained in the worst set of circumstances and could operate under duress with ease.

After grabbing the weapon that I kept in my nightstand, I moved quietly down the hallway, hissing when my foot had landed on the single board that creaked underneath my weight. As I took a long stride into the kitchen, the gun was chest high, secured in both hands.

She screamed.

I snarled.

She jerked to face me, smashing her hands against my chest with enough force we were both pitched backward.

And as luck would have it, the weight of her body shoved against mine created enough friction that the second she tried to right herself, the towel slipped from around my waist, slowly sliding to the floor.

Fuck me.

Karma had it in for me. That was obvious.

“Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh.” Her moans had the opposite effect of what they should have, my cock responding against my will.

“Um. Danny. I mean Viper! Yes, Viper.” Madisen took another step back, her eyes falling ever so slowly to my hard-as-a-rock cock. What did the little vixen do? She dragged her tongue across her lips, her chest rising and falling rapidly as her cheeks warmed to the most beautiful shade of rose. She seemed frozen on the spot, unable to take her eyes off my throbbing shaft for a few seconds. Then she shielded her eyes, having the good graces to turn to the side.

Huffing, I put the weapon on the table, grabbing the towel, my pulse increasing. It wasn’t about embarrassment but annoyance. What the fuck did she think she was doing?

“I’m sorry,” she whispered, gasping for air.
