Page 29 of The Consigliere

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“What kind of trouble are you in? Tell me now or you know where the sidewalk is.” I nodded toward the kitchen door and her face fell.

I couldn’t take my eyes off the way her lip trembled, the catch of her breath when she spoke dragging at the protector in me. “I just needed to get away from my boyfriend.” She purposely looked away and there was no doubt she was still lying to me. “He wasn’t so nice to me. He’s the kind of big guy, you know the type, all brawn and no brains. He kind of threatened me so I thought getting out of town was in my best interest.”

There was some truth to what she was saying. I knew enough about Vegas to have a handle on just how many dangerous men had control over the city. If she was a card dealer, that could mean she’d attached herself to a mob-run casino. Fuck me. That alone was another reason to send her out my door.

Somewhere deep inside, I knew that wasn’t going to happen. When the towel started to slip for a second time, I fisted the terrycloth. I was furious and was not entirely certain it had nothing to do with her.

“Stay right here. Let me grab some clothes. Do not move, Madisen. I’m serious. Do you understand? We are going to have a long conversation and you will tell me the truth.”

Her mouth twisted but she nodded. I had a bad feeling whatever she’d gotten herself in the middle of was extreme. “And stay away from the weapon.”

“I told you last night. I can handle myself.”

“I can tell you’ve done a good job so far.” My sarcastic tone remained, which I could tell by the look on her face irritated her. Too bad.

I headed toward my bedroom, yanking a pair of jeans and a tee shirt from one of my dresser drawers. Scowling, I headed to the bathroom, finally finishing drying off and tossing the towel. As I struggled into my jeans, I glanced at my reflection and shook my head. Slamming my hands on the counter, I leaned in, studying the lines around my eyes, the scars covering a portion of my chest. My body had certainly seen better days.

Chuckling, I ran my fingers through my wet hair, doing what I could to stop my raging libido. Then I noticed a wooden brush I rarely used. She needed a lesson in telling lies. Maybe that would jar her memory.

If I allowed her to stay, it would be under my terms.

And my rules.

Then what, tough guy? What the hell do you think you can do?

What I had to do to keep her safe. I cursed under my breath as I yanked on the shirt, remaining barefoot for now.

I returned to the kitchen finding an empty chair.

What the hell? A subtle growl erupted from my system as I tamped back another round of anger, storming through the house.

Seconds later, I found her in my office, holding a photograph in her hand. “What did I tell you earlier?”

She tipped her head, batting her long eyelashes at me. “I just wanted to know more about you.”

“People typically ask questions, not search through another’s private things.”

“The picture was right here. I didn’t go snooping or anything.”


Sighing, I weighed my options. “Come here.”


“Because I said so.” I was starting to lose patience with her, which I already wasn’t known for having.

She reluctantly returned the picture to the bookshelf then hesitated before walking toward me. “I’m sorry, Viper. I just… I didn’t know what else to do.” She stopped several feet away.

I beckoned her with a single finger. “Come. Here. Now.”

Madisen took a deep breath, brushing her fingers through her long hair. When she finally decided to close the distance, the last of my patience was shot.

“Let me get this straight. So far since arriving in town, you flirted with every man you noticed in a bar, which almost caused a fight. That was after insulting me. You came into my house without being invited. You’re lying to me. You’ve already started going through my things. And more important, you’ve gotten yourself into something dangerous. Is that about right? Am I missing anything?” The thought of being her protector was infused with a slight moment of possession. What the hell was wrong with me? She didn’t belong to me and never would. “Answer me, Madisen.”

She had no answer and didn’t make a single sound. She just stared at me with her baby blues expecting I’d be gullible enough to forgive her sins.

I wasn’t that kind of guy.
