Page 3 of The Consigliere

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“I don’t think so.” After a few seconds of fighting his hold, I managed to free my arm. Then I issued a hard punch to his jaw. The force was just enough to toss him into the bathroom counter.

He stared at me with wild eyes. Then he lunged in my direction. A yelp left my throat as I tried to turn and run.

And I slammed against something rock hard.

“Whoa.” The voice was deep, the rumble penetrating my eardrums over the laughter and conversation of others.

I was still teetering back and forth, forced to grip the savior’s forearms. An electric shot tore through me that pushed a slight moan past my lips. I arched my back, lifting my head to catch a glimpse of his jaw. I was fairly tall in my heels, but he towered over me. His jaw was even more chiseled than I’d thought, his lips meant for kissing on long winter’s nights. There wasn’t a muscle in his body that wasn’t carved to perfection. As his scent wafted into my nostrils, I was shaken to my core, the fragrance of a deep forest with citrus and a hint of exotic spices intoxicating.

It seemed we were both momentarily shaken, the connection that intense. Then he finally smiled.

“Are you okay? Was this asshole bothering you?” he growled at the fake cop.

There was a slight twang to his voice, possibly indulging in his Lone Ranger fantasies. The husky sound made him that much sexier. “I’m fine,” I half whispered, taking on a disguised voice of my own, slightly lower and certainly sultrier. Why not? This was the one night where I could be anyone I wanted. I’d always wanted to be considered sexy instead of the girl next door. This might be my one chance. Why not adopt the wicked as sin persona I was portraying? “Thank you for saving me.”

“Absolutely, ma’am. I’ll always save a damsel in distress, especially one as beautiful as you are.” I’ll be damned if he didn’t tip his cowboy hat.

“Hey, ass wipe. She’s mine. Get your own pussy for the night.”

Instantly, my savior was pissed as hell. I could see it in his eyes. He eased me to the side then without hesitation, threw two powerful punches at the man.

I watched in shock, the moment drifting into slow motion as the fake cop’s knees buckled. Down he went on his face, out cold.

“That’ll teach you never to treat a woman with disrespect.”

Holy cow. No one had ever come to my defense the way the sexy hunk had. He waited for a few seconds then gently took me by the arm, leading me out of the restroom.

“I’m sorry you had to deal with that Neanderthal.”

“Do you always do that?”

He chuckled. “When a beautiful woman is about to get accosted, hell, yes.”

Dear God, the Lone Ranger’s legs were long, his thigh muscles bulging against the thick denim. I should feel embarrassed by the way I perused his gorgeous body, biting my lower lip when I noticed the rattlesnake skin cowboy boots he was wearing. Either he was a real cowboy or he’d gone to great lengths to portray one. I wanted to think of him as a rodeo star who just happened to pass through Vegas.

His dark chuckle was an indication he sensed what I was thinking, approving of my sinful thoughts.

“Thank you very much, but I could have handled the jerk.”

He cocked his head, giving me a slightly admonishing look. “Good girls don’t get into fist fights, and I can tell you’re a very good girl.”

Good girl? Why did a tiny thrill drift all the way to my pussy?

“Hmmm… Are you trying to flirt with me, kind sir?” I allowed my gaze to fall then return to his eyes, providing an appreciate look.

“What would you do if I said I was?” The deep, rich drawl was far too enticing, pulling me into a hypnotic state. His eyes were dreamy, a term I’d never used in my life. They pierced mine with just a hint of amusement at the game we were playing.

Only then did I realize I was digging my fingers into his bare arms. When I pressed my palm against his chest, his reaction drove me to the edge of sanity, his chest rising and falling in time with my heartbeat. “Then I’d say I liked it.” My gaze roamed over his broad shoulders, the electricity we shared pulling me into a powerful haze as desire roared through every cell in my body.

The Lone Ranger did another sweep all the way down the length of my legs as the sexual tension between us increased. He kept his hold on me, the closeness of our bodies driving explosive heat into my system. “Would you like to get out of here?”

I reminded myself that I was the girl who followed all the rules. I’d made straight A’s while working two jobs during college. I’d never had a parking ticket. I’d never been arrested, although I did have a rebellious six months when that almost happened. Twice. But that was the past and this was now. For all practical purposes, I deserved to have a night of unbridled sin.

So I took a leap of faith while tossing aside my rationality.

It was only one night.

