Page 34 of The Consigliere

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“I already told you no. My word is final.”

“Final? While I came to you for help, that doesn’t mean I’m going to allow you to run my life. I left everything I have in Vegas. It’s not much, but it’s mine and I worked hard to get those few precious things. You’re rich. You have anything and everything you want. I’m not that lucky. I’m the one in trouble here. Okay?” My proclamation didn’t have any kind of effect on him. I was beginning to wonder if he had any feelings whatsoever.

“I’m not here to coddle you, Madisen. As you said. You came to me. From what little you’ve told me, I can already tell you that this is no game you’re playing. You will need to trust me. Do you think you can do that?”

Trust him? I didn’t know him, not really. I remembered the asshole boy I’d swooned over, the one who didn’t even know I was alive. “How can I trust you when I can’t trust myself?”

His expression didn’t soften with my admission. If anything, it hardened into a chiseled piece of stone. “Then hear me if nothing else. If you managed to get mixed up with the Torino organization, then I might be the only person who can keep you alive.”



Frustrating didn’t cut it. Infuriating was getting closer.

I sensed she was drifting into panic mode. In my experience those who did made poor decisions, often getting themselves killed.

While I knew she deserved the harsh spanking, the fact it had been first instinct in dealing with her shocked the hell out of me. Where had that come from? Sure, I’d spanked a couple of women in the past, but I’d considered it playtime. Madisen definitely needed discipline in her life, but that way?

“Talk.” I pushed the glass of whiskey in front of her, the drink another surprise like almost everything else about her. She’d asked for it specifically, including by name.

“I’m not sleeping with Dante or any of his men. In fact, I’m not sleeping with anyone. Not that it’s any of your goddamn business.”

Whew. The girl had a mouth on her and a ton of anger issues. I eyed her cautiously. There was only one other situation that could have happened. God help her if I was right. “What crime did you witness?”

She jerked up her head, staring at me in slight shock. Then a strange, resigned smile crossed her face as she lifted her glass in a toast. “You win the kewpie doll, Mr. Briggs. Murder. The bastard blew this guy’s head off in front of me. I had the honor of being covered in brain and blood. Now, I can cross it off my bucket list.” She tossed back enough of the liquor I was certain she’d choke.

Now it was my turn to take a swig. Nothing shocked me any longer. I’d seen enough bloodshed, torn limbs, and brain matter to last ten lifetimes. I’d heard lies said from the mouths of murderous criminals all the way to the governor’s mansion. And lord knew I’d participated in enough acts of violence that I was immune to cries of terror. However, seeing the way her lower lip trembled after finally admitting why she’d run away was gut-wrenching.

The fact she was acting cavalier about it meant she had yet to embrace the kind of danger she was in.

“They know you witnessed it? There’s no chance they didn’t see you?”

“Not even little bit.”

“You’re certain.”

“Are you going to grill me like a drill sergeant?”

“Answer the question, Madisen. You came to me for help. Remember?”

“I doubt you’ll allow me to forget it.”

Now I was glad I’d given her a hard spanking. If I had it to do all over again, I would have used my belt. Instead of answering her, I folded my arms, which prompted her to roll her eyes.

“There isn’t a shadow of a doubt that I was seen. Mr. Torino himself pulled the trigger right in front of me then told me it was going to be okay and that I should go home and forget about what I’d seen. As if I was some dumb floozy. I raced home, filled a bag, and left town. Here I am.”

Fuck me. I knew enough about the leader’s reputation to realize that she was in deep shit. Even in the world I’d signed up for, Dante Torino was considered a primal beast, capable of almost anything. While Italian, he refused to follow the rules of the Cosa Nostra, preferring the methodology of the Mexican cartels. He was slick, brutal, and unyielding.

As soon as he learned where Madisen was, she’d be dead within twenty-four hours. In some ways, she was right to end up on my doorstep. Mike certainly wasn’t qualified to deal with the likes of the mob. Unfortunately, they’d use him to get to her if necessary. Now I had two handfuls of shit to deal with.

Sighing, I grabbed the bottle, refilling her glass. While I’d yet to determine what or if I was going to do anything with her, she wasn’t going anywhere tonight. She’d managed to get herself into the worst mess possible. “Do they know where you’re from?”

“No,” she answered, becoming more exasperated. “I told nobody, but do you really think that matters? He’s a goddamn mafia kingpin. He can find anyone he wants. He owns the cops in Vegas so I couldn’t go to them. You should know exactly what I’m talking about, given what you do now. Right?” Her eyes opened wide with horror from what she’d admitted to knowing.

Well, fuck. As if I thought the world I’d entered into could remain a secret. Besides, the shit Mike had tossed out after five beers had gotten the other ballplayers asking questions. I’d skirted around every one of them but that didn’t mean they wouldn’t open their traps. Exhaling, I rubbed my eyes, uncertain how to respond.

“I guess I owe you another apology.” Her voice was quieter, losing some of the rebellious fire burning inside of her.
