Page 39 of The Consigliere

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“I see trouble,” Stephen commented, his quick glance toward the crowd something I’d already seen.

“Yes, as suspected. And so the fun begins.” The illustrious meeting had already been infiltrated.

“Do you want me to toss or tumble him?” It was his way of asking whether I wanted the man slammed to the ground, cuffs placed around his wrists until the cops could arrive.

“No. I have a feeling I need to use the man as an example of our skills. Then you can shake, rattle, and roll him.”

“Good deal.” He grinned, always enjoying the takedown of perpetrators attempting to get their way.

“Mr. Callaway. I’m Viper Briggs from Powers Security. We’ll be your eyes and ears during your meeting.”

He acted as if he was a celebrity, waving to the crowd as they cheered him on.

“I know who you are. Just stay out of my way and we’ll get along just fine,” he said curtly, trying to push me aside.

I wasn’t the kind of man to be shoved aside under any circumstances. However, I kept my voice low as I moved in front of him. There was no reason to make a scene.

Unless I was pushed into it.

I even plastered a smile on my face. After all, photographs were already being taken. “Here’s how we’re going to play it, Callaway. It’s my way or my associate and I will leave. If we do, we won’t be returning.”

“That would be fine by me.” He laughed, trying his best to shove his way around me.

As I cornered him against his vehicle, a murderous look crossed his face.

“Who the fuck do you think you are?” he snapped.

“The only man who might be able to keep you alive. Do you see the reporter to your left, the one with the garish tie?”

He snarled, his eyes piercing mine for a few seconds. Then he looked. “What about him, other than he has shit for fashion sense?”

“He has a weapon in his right jacket pocket, likely one strapped to his leg given the hitch in his trousers when he walks. He’s waiting for the perfect opportunity to put a bullet right between your eyes. My guess, given the lack of security you brought with you, is he will succeed if we walk. But it’s entirely up to you. Your choice.”

The words I’d issued to Madisen. The difference was that I cared what happened to her. While I wouldn’t admit it to my clients, I couldn’t care less about their welfare at this point. I knew that made me a very bad man, unworthy of the wealth I’d achieved in protecting so many from harm’s way, but most of my humanity had been driven from my soul years before.

At least he finally seemed nervous, the slight tic appearing in the corner of his mouth the dead giveaway. “No. Stay. I understand. Can you get me inside?”

“Yes, sir. I’m happy to do so. As long as you follow the rules, you’ll walk out of here alive.”

He swallowed then nodded. “I’ll do what you say.”

“I’m glad we had a chance to have this talk. Stephen,” I said as I turned my head in my associate’s direction. “Toss and tumble. Make it rough.”

“You got it, boss. With pleasure.”



What a shit day.

I’d had plenty of them, enough that when they were decent, I was bored. Laughing, I pulled into the garage, eyeing the red truck I’d parked inside the night before. The Ford was nothing fancy, likely from the late eighties, but from what I’d seen the night before, she really did think of it as her baby.

On top of dealing with a caustic man who’d continued to remain difficult to deal with, it was late, three hours longer than intended.

As I waited for the garage door to close, I tried to shove the events of the day away. While I usually did a good job of never bringing the business into my other life, working with Mr. Callaway had pushed my patience to the breaking point. Thank God Ethan and Zach were on duty tonight while the client attended some soiree in Hollywood. Wally was back on with me in the morning, although I was having second thoughts already about leaving Madisen.

If I’d been forced to spend another minute with the arrogant jackass, I would have wrapped my hands around his throat. Whoever had set his sights on assassinating him was behind bars, but I was certain there’d be another attempt. I craved a whiskey or two, a thick, rare steak, and a half hour with the punching bag in my gym room. I wasn’t entirely certain which I’d partake in first.
