Page 44 of The Consigliere

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Shit. Why the hell was I lying to myself. Madisen’s curves were the reason I hadn’t slept the night before. Then to see her fully aroused nipples through the thin material? No. I was lucky I hadn’t lost my mind and broken my oath.

I fisted my hand, the need for her surrender planted firmly in my mind. She was the kind of woman who required discipline in her life, which I was more than happy to provide.

Laughing, I shook my head, admonishing my ridiculous thoughts. She was far too hardheaded to allow structure into her life let alone advice.

Yet I’d seen the hunger in her eyes as well as the uncertainty, as if she wasn’t certain whether she could trust me or if I’d make fun of the painting. It had been the furthest thing from my mind. Instead, the images were dark and filthy, my thoughts almost consumed with what I wanted to do to her lithe body.

Slowly peeling the edges of her dress over her sculpted shoulders, allowing gravity to slide it down the length of her body.

Brushing the rough pads of my fingers over every inch of her heated skin before I lifted and wrapped her legs around me, taking her with purpose to my bedroom.

Kissing her voluptuous lips before thrusting my tongue inside, savoring the taste.

Dragging my tongue between her breasts, swirling the tip around her navel before spreading her legs wide open.

Feasting on her glistening pussy, licking every drop of sweet cream as she writhed underneath me.

Then driving my cock deep inside her tight channel, fucking her for hours before filling her with my seed.

In feeling such intensity, I was driven to a distant memory, one of the few that remained sweet in my mind.

“What the fuck is wrong with you?” I closed my eyes, taking deep breaths to try to avoid another wave of sinful thoughts.

But being around Madisen made it impossible, the images continuing to ravage my mind. I wanted to claim every hole, fisting her long hair as she wrapped her lips around my cock. Thrusting my shaft into her tight asshole, fucking her until she screamed out my name.

“Fuck,” I said and popped my head against the wall several times. I would blame it all on the color red, but I knew better. Everything about her yanked me straight into hell.

Her smile.

Her laugh.

The way she brushed strands of hair from her face.

The pouty look she gave me when she knew she’d done something wrong.

I was in deep shit. If I didn’t harness my desires, shoving them into a padlocked dungeon, I would be in danger of losing not just a friendship.

I could lose my sanity as well.

Not to mention my professionalism.

The painting was bad enough, the likeness capturing me when I was much younger, which was the way she’d remembered me.

All six foot one inches of arrogance I’d been at the time. I’d grown three inches, gained sixty pounds, and had turned the insolent attitude into becoming a merciless soldier.

As I rubbed my jaw, a laugh pushed up from my chest. Yeah, I was a soldier alright, a bona fide killer. What she hadn’t gotten right was the sparkle in my eyes. She’d portrayed me as happy when I’d been anything but at the time. While she might like to remember me that way, she’d quickly learn to keep her fantasies instead of embracing reality.

I was ready to pound my fist against the wall, taking out my rapidly growing concerns on a piece of wallboard I could replace.

That wasn’t going to do me any good.

What I knew was best was to keep a solid distance from her, or at least as much as circumstances would allow. Until the soldiers arrived, I was the only protection she had. Granted, I could pull at least one member of my team after the gig with Callaway was over, but not before then. It was becoming clear that I’d need to hand off my duties in protecting Callaway to one of the other members for tomorrow.

I grabbed my phone, dialing Stephen. He’d remained working with Powers even after being offered a lucrative security position with another firm. I knew I could trust him implicitly.

“Hey, bossman. What can I do for you?” he asked as soon as he answered.

“I need you on the Callaway job tomorrow with Wally.”
