Page 47 of The Consigliere

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“Are you listening to me?” Viper barked seconds later, yanking me out of my luscious thoughts.

“Um. What?”

“That’s part of the problem, Madisen. You haven’t heard a word I’ve said.”

“Yes, I have.”

His exhale and tense stance were another attempt to chastise me. “Right. As I just said, I don’t believe anyone has the skill to do what you just said.”

Was he really doubting me or just calling me a liar?

“I’ll prove it if you really want me to, but dinner is almost ready. Is it possible it can wait?” I heard the defiance in my voice. The man brought out several emotions in me, including wanting to press his buttons.

However, I knew Viper was right. I couldn’t do anything stupid. Dante was too powerful. But when I’d awakened to find Viper gone, leaving a long but curt note, I’d felt as if I’d been sucked into a vacuum, no longer certain about my future. I’d paced the house, ignoring at least a few of his rules, invading his space in my effort to learn more about him.

Acting like some smitten schoolgirl, I’d fretted over what to wear, changing twice to ensure he’d give me a second look. I wasn’t that kind of woman, all girly and flustered around a man. Why him?

He’d returned to the house like a ghost, studying my art with such quiet reverence that I realized I’d been holding my breath. After expressing his fury then crowding my space with his insanely gorgeous body, he’d left in a huff. It would seem nothing had changed and that no matter what I did or what came out of my mouth, I frustrated him. I’d remained exactly where I was for almost two full minutes. For another full minute, I’d experienced difficulty focusing, which was more out of irritation because of his grumpy actions. I’d never known him to frown as much as he did around me.

The man must hate me with everything he had inside.

Now I stood staring at him, trying to keep my hands from shaking as the water continued to bubble behind me. I’d wanted the dinner to be special, so much so I’d spent over two hundred dollars at the grocery store, money from an account I was worried Dante would find a way to freeze at any time. He had connections everywhere, men who were under his thumb and stuck so far up his butt he yanked them like puppets.

I couldn’t tell if by stocking his fridge, purchasing what few things he enjoyed that I’d broken some cardinal rule. If I had, I was certain he would tell me about it anytime.

Just after he’d gotten over the shock of being able to thwart his oh-so secure system.

He dropped his head, muttering under his breath as he rubbed his jaw. Every subtle move he made was captivating. For some crazy reason that I doubted even a therapist could define, I saw him as a warrior who’d just completed a bloody battle, victorious in eradicating the enemy. Christ. My imagination was getting the better of me.

Calm down. He’s just a man.

After tossing me another angry look, he took a deep swig of beer, finishing over half the bottle. Just seeing the way his Adam’s apple bobbed as he swallowed was sexy. Who was I kidding? Everything the man did, even the way his jaw clenched when he spoke, was overtly sensual.

I had to stop thinking this way.

“Yes, we can have dinner. You went to a lot of trouble,” he said gruffly. “No, I don’t need you to prove anything. You’ve done a good enough job of that already. I’ll make certain you have no clue what the code is when I change it.”

“That’s not very nice of you.”

“I never said I was a nice man, Madisen. I’m your protector, your bodyguard, and in doing so, I’m required to be an asshole if that’s what it takes to get the job done.”

“So I’m just a job to you? Here’s the thing, I can’t pay you anything. I’m worried my accounts will be frozen and I’ll be left with all the cash I had in my little apartment, which was four hundred dollars.” I glared at him, another wave of anger furrowing inside. “And don’t worry. I won’t finish the painting of you. I could tell you don’t like it. It was done on a whim, not for any reason you should be worried about.”

He leaned over the island, cocking his head. “Yes, you’re my client. Your payment is all about following the rules.”

If I heard the word one more time, I was going to scream or scratch his eyes out. He was purposely ignoring my other comment. Fine. He could have it his way. “Well, then, Mr. Briggs, should I bother with dinner, or would you like to go plan your attack on Dante Torino instead? And don’t worry. We’re not friends and we certainly won’t be anything else. Just your client.”

The seriousness of his expression remained for a few seconds, his eyes darting back and forth. Then he chuckled, the deep sound resonating in my ears. “I’m starving and everything smells incredible. For the record, if the bastard tries to freeze your accounts, he’ll learn what it’s like facing an angry man.”

Even the smallest of compliments was enough my skin tingled from hearing his voice. The fact he was so possessive created another wave of desire. I could tell by the look on his face he meant what he said. What if something happened to Viper because of me? No. I couldn’t think that way. “I can take care of myself. Just hand over one of your weapons and I’ll be fine. That’s one of the things I did while in Vegas. I even have a permit and everything.”

His eyes opened wide, but not out of amusement. He believed me. “I know you think you can and it’s admirable. However, you’re one woman against a potential army. I don’t really think I need to tell you what you’re up against. Do I?”

At least his tone had softened.

“No. If you don’t mind, take the silverware to the table and pour yourself a glass of wine. This meal isn’t for beer drinkers.” I knew exactly the kind of torture Dante would instruct his men to inflict. I’d heard enough stories.

“Well, yes, ma’am.” At least it seemed the ugly spell was broken, his entire demeanor shifting into something more pleasurable.
