Page 60 of The Consigliere

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“Yep,” Gio snorted.

“You’re certain?” If that was the case, then Torino had a hell of a lot to lose. Perhaps in killing Jack Barrington, he’d bitten off more than he could chew. That made him psychopathic and not just dangerous.

“I’d know their shitty, cheap dark suits a mile away.”

“Interesting. When was the hit issued?”

“The guy wasn’t certain, but he thinks last night.”

“How the hell did this guy know so much?”

“He’s on Torino’s payroll. Before you go off, he’s a turncoat, high up in a small gang trying to make some headway in Vegas.”

Loyalty wasn’t what it used to be, infiltrating another organization used more than people realized. Granted, most of the time the rat turned up dead, but that didn’t stop the dozens of syndicates from attempting to get a leg up on another. “Reliable enough.”

“Yup. Look, I also found out where this gal of yours lived. Stopped by. The place was trashed. Funny thing is they left her artwork alone. You know, paintings. She has like four dozen of the most incredible pictures she painted. A real talent.”

“Glad to hear that,” I told him, finding it impossible not to smile. Madisen was a fascinating woman. “What else?”

“A couple photographs were swiped right from their frames. I don’t know if she has any friends or family, but my guess is the assholes took them for face identification.”

Fuck. Mike.

I had to get to him quickly. “Good to know. I need you here, Gio. I have a bad feeling we’re headed for a West Coast war.”

“I suspected as much from what Max told me. I’m already on my way. While Francesco has learned a lot over the past year, the kid is still an explosion waiting to happen. I figured you might need an extra body or two.”

“You thought right. I want you here at my house. I’ll text you the address. Stephen is providing assistance. I’m sure you remember him.”

“Hey. It’ll be good to see the little nerd again.”

I knew Stephen well enough to know he became almost violent when he was referred to that way. “He’s a lot more powerful than you understand.”

“Just teasing, boss. We’ll land in less than an hour. I’ll head over immediately.”

“Any connection with Powers Security and the Arturo Empire?”

He chuckled. “Don’t you mean the Powers Empire? The answer is not that I can tell, but the assholes down here are squirrely. It would seem Torino has a firm hold on Vegas.”

“As I figured. I appreciate you finding out.”

“Not a problem, boss. Max would kill me if anything happened.”

Yeah, we both knew he would. I ended the call, immediately texting him the information. Then I dialed Stephen. At least I’d have a backup until Francesco and the others arrived. “Stephen. Head to my house.”

“I found myself heading your way. Everything is under control. What’s going on there?”

“Let’s just say you’re going to have another crash course in mafia business.”

“You know I like the sound of that.” While he joked, my nerves shot to the edge.

“Don’t take this lightly. A young woman’s life is on the line. Her brother too.”

“Fuck. Okay. I’m about ten miles away.”

As soon as I heard a noise, I reached for my weapon. Seeing the fear on Madisen’s face was like a dagger being stuck in my eyes. “I’ll let you know the details when you get here.”
