Page 63 of The Consigliere

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Fuck me. What had I done?

“You were my first. I thought maybe…” She laughed and this time, I hated the sound with a passion. “I left you a note with my phone number. You never called.”

What was she talking about? “I didn’t get a note.”

“You’re not a very good liar but it’s okay. As I am now, I was just a good lay, a respite from your dangerous world. Don’t worry. I got the message loud and clear.”

“That’s not true, Madisen. Not even close.”

The hatred in her eyes was palpable, icy, the beautiful sapphire taking on a darker color as the coldness penetrated her veins. “To make matters worse, you broke my heart all those years ago. Do you remember? You laughed at me when I told you I wanted to marry you. Maybe this was exactly what I needed to rid you from my system.” She glanced toward the floor, pressing her hand across her lips.

And I remained stunned, something that rarely happened.

“Yes,” she whispered. “I think it is.”

With that, she fled the room.

And for the first time in my life, I had no clue what to say or how to act. I backed away a couple of feet, hitting the back of the couch. Then I dropped my head into my hands.

* * *

A virgin.

She’d been the beautiful creature I’d enjoyed for hours, taking what was left of her innocence. Had I known her real identity, would it have stopped me? The bastard inside of me knew the answer. Fuck, no.

What was even worse was that I was thrilled at being her first. I reveled in being the one who’d provided her with the first taste of passion. It had changed my way of thinking, as if I owned her. Now who was acting like the Neanderthal? I fisted my mouth to keep from bellowing.

I’d all but shut down. The only thing on my mind was protecting her. Her. Fuck. The girl had a name. Madisen. The only girl I wanted to be with. The only woman I could love. No. I was lying to myself even now. The woman I’d fallen in love with all those years ago. It was ridiculous, but there was no denying the way I’d felt over three years before or the way I felt now.

I was lost in a sea of self-pity all over again and that had to stop. The only way it would happen was by shutting down all emotions. I’d briefly told Stephen what was happening. He’d come prepared with two weapons and plenty of ammunition. I only hoped that the Torino clan had no method of determining where I lived. But Madisen had found out. It bothered the hell out of me, a question that would need an answer, but right now, I had to save Mike before they got to him.

I only prayed it wasn’t too late.

As I pulled into the apartment community, I took the time to drive the entire complex before parking on the other side of the road, purposely finding a spot fifty yards away. I had to be careful, ready to move in a moment’s notice. Mike’s truck was located near his building, a dead giveaway he was home. Today, I was thankful he worked odd hours. I checked the ammunition in my weapon, sliding it behind my back. As I climbed out, I scanned the street as I pulled the material of my shirt over my belt. There was no sense in scaring the man unless absolutely necessary.

I continued to study the area as I headed to his building, his apartment near the back. I was surprised he hadn’t moved after all these years. Maybe Madisen’s concerns about him having a life of his own were well founded. When I was standing in front of his door, I took several deep breaths. I doubted Madisen had called him. Now I knew why she’d hesitated.

Why hadn’t she told me about Vegas? Why the fuck hadn’t I figured it out on my own? In truth, the signs were all there. The kiss. The feel of her body against mine. The sheer strangling electricity that I’d never felt with another woman. Maybe I’d refused to believe I could have been such a fucking asshole to not do everything in my power to hunt her down?

A note?

Where in the hell had she left it and why had I been so stupid not to find it? Hissing, I tried one last time to put my emotions in a padlocked box. What I knew without a doubt was that I’d hurt her irrevocably. She had every reason to hate me.

I knocked on the door, hoping I could find the right words. Fuck. I was a complete mess.

Mike opened the door a few seconds later. He lifted his head, studying my eyes.

Then he threw a brutal punch, the force knocking me against the exterior wall.

“You fucking son of a bitch.”

I slapped my hand over my jaw and righted myself, no closer to finding the right words now than I was a few seconds earlier. “Madisen called you.”

“Yeah, she left me a message.” He stormed from the apartment, glaring at me with utter hatred in his eyes. “The one thing I asked you was never to touch her.”

“She came to me asking for help. That’s all.”

“You’re such a fucking bad liar. You fucked her. Didn’t you? Didn’t you?”
