Page 88 of The Consigliere

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Danny twisted his hand around the steering wheel, shifting in his seat. “It would appear that an old rival has become determined to end my life.”

“So Dante isn’t after me.”

As he turned his head briefly in my direction, the lights from a roadside restaurant provided me with a clear shot of the anger riddling his handsome features. “I didn’t say that. The pressure is off but men like Torino never forget those who could bring them down.”

“Who is after you?”

“Irish mafia.”

“The people from New York you mentioned?”

“Yes.” When he glanced into his rearview mirror again, that forced me to look over my shoulder, stretching the seatbelt.

“You don’t trust the men protecting you.”

“They’re here to protect you but trust is a commodity I can’t afford right now.”

Another icy shiver skipped down my spine. I’d yet to get warm after being drenched in the rain, but the chill had nothing to do with the weather. “How do you do it? How do you try and enjoy your life while constantly looking over your shoulder?”

He made a sound that was haunted, as if he was full of agony. And sadness. “The military taught me to be resilient in every situation, no matter the circumstances.”

“That’s not an answer. I want to be with you more than anything, but living under constant lockdown isn’t what life is about.”

The fact he said nothing was as petrifying as what we were facing.

“I love you, Danny. Nothing will ever change that.”

“But love isn’t enough.”

“I don’t know what you want me to say. I feel like we’re both in limbo. I can’t live that way. I just…” My emotions were all over the place, the ache in my heart increasing. Maybe love wasn’t enough to sacrifice freedom. But would I ever feel safe again if I wasn’t with the man who’d saved my life more than once, the one who’d saved me from breaking my neck when falling from a tree? The one who’d kissed me tenderly while exciting the woman inside? I wasn’t certain of anything at this point.

“I will ensure that Dante will never bother you again.”

I didn’t need to repeat what I’d already said and assumed—that he’d kill the man, or any man who dared try to hurt me. I turned my head toward the passenger window, watching portions of the posh and powerful world of Malibu. Restaurants, shops, and bars catering to the rich and famous lured the traveler with the bright lights and festive atmosphere. If only we were heading somewhere for a fabulous few days spent together. Sun. Drinks. Passion. Food. That’s all I wanted.

And the man sitting beside me.

My fantasy.

I laughed and studied the various cars and people, my heart pounding.

Then I sensed his tension increasing. “What’s wrong?” When I turned around, I realized the cars traveling behind us carrying the men protecting us had been forced to stop at a traffic light.

“There are no other pull-offs for three miles.” His tone held another level of agitation.

As four new vehicles pulled onto the highway, their headlights flashing in our direction, he shifted in his seat then took his weapon from his pocket, placing it on the dashboard.

“It doesn’t mean anything. The bad guys can’t control traffic lights.”

Two other cars passed, going in the opposite direction.

“Maybe. Maybe not.” He kept glancing in the rearview mirror as he slowed down, going around a bend. We drove in silence for a full two minutes with nothing happening. The drivers behind us weren’t speeding up or tailgating. But the tension didn’t ease.

I turned around, craning my neck, only able to see two sets of headlights. The drivers were obviously being cautious given the weather and road conditions.

I noticed a sign for an especially curvy road for the next three miles. Deaths were a regular occurrence on this particular highway given the lack of guardrails and the steep drop-offs. That much I knew from reading about the area several years before. Right now, I was grateful I couldn’t see the ocean below given I was already nauseous. With the continued rain, I couldn’t seem to stop shivering.

“Slow and easy,” he said as if a reminder to himself.
