Page 9 of The Consigliere

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Luna kept her thighs pressed against me, riding me as she would a bucking bronco. To see her letting go, enjoying every moment drove a need so dark and dominating into me that the thought of losing control remained in the forefront of my mind.

The savage inside of me only allowed her to assume control but for so long. With a single lift of my hips, I tossed her to the side, immediately lifting her onto all fours.

“What are you doing?” she asked, throwing her head over her shoulder.

“Taking what belongs to me.” The statement was easy to say and I meant every word. I pressed my swollen cock against her bottom then grinned as another evil thought filtered into the back of my mind. Without hesitation, I swatted her bottom several times, her squeals exactly the music I needed. I pushed my cock against her sweet pussy lips, driving the entire length inside.

She arched her back, fisting the comforter as another series of moans floated through the air. After sliding in and out several times, I fisted her hair, using the thick crimson wig as a leash. She undulated, wiggling her bottom in another invitation, one I was only too happy to oblige.

I cracked my hand against her smooth skin four times in rapid succession before rolling my fingers down her spine. Prickles covered every inch of her skin, the way she panted and moaned tossing gasoline on the fire. As I fucked her long and hard, she pushed back against me, stretching her arms to meet every brutal thrust.

The sound of the headboard slamming against the wall filtered into the room, delighting all my senses. It had been too long since I’d enjoyed a woman so thoroughly. Only seconds later, I sensed she was close to another orgasm.

I slowed my strokes, driving in as deep as possible, every muscle in my body starting to tense. When her muscles clenched and released several times, I drove my thumb into her tight little asshole.

Then all control broke loose and I erupted, wishing I could fill her with my seed.

It might only be one night with my sexy little witch, but I had a feeling that I’d remember our encounter for a lifetime.


Four and a half years later


To work for a family of monsters, you had to be able to turn a blind eye to certain unscrupulous activities, never reacting no matter how repulsive or brutal. I’d become very good at it, never flinching even in the face of danger.

While I wasn’t in any immediate harm given the protection the casino offered for their employees, there was always a chance of being accosted by a psychopath who believed I was to blame for losing a fortune feeding one of their toxic proclivities.

Jack was one of them, a smarmy prick who enjoyed abusing women, the only way he was able to get his rocks off. Last names were never used in deference to their attempt at privacy, but his reputation preceded him wherever he went. He liked to think of himself as a savage badass. However, in Dante Morino’s playground, the man was nothing but a guppy in a sea of sharks.

Blackjack was his bitch, but I ruled the cards and the table, taking my profession seriously.

As soon as I turned over the house card, I heard groans from almost every player although only Jack remained in the game. It had become too rich. “Insurance open,” I told him, keeping a deadpan expression while he attempted to undress me with his unfocused eyes.

“You’re a ballbuster. You know that, sweet cheeks?” he asked, laughing as he grabbed his glass of whiskey.

“Yes, sir.” My rebuttal was curt, but better than the one floating on the tip of my tongue.

Yeah, asshole. Allow me to crush your worthless balls between my fingers.

He snorted his answer, dragging his tongue across his lips to try to rile me.

Then I noticed Samuel on my left, his eyes always watching the players as well as the dealer. He was Dante’s right-hand man, all muscle with little brain activity, but I’d learned never to cross him. I’d proven myself worthy over the last year, even catching a few cheaters myself, yet I was constantly being watched.

Being one of the few female blackjack dealers in the casino and the only one under forty made me an anomaly, something the owner of the trendy casino as well as his muscle men enjoyed flaunting, Samuel included.

Jack was a regular, the career criminal hitting on me more times than I could count. While I didn’t care for Samuel in the least, he’d kept me from being attacked in the parking lot on two occasions, once by the player sitting in front of me. Jack had only had his privileges reinstated earlier this week, which had pissed me off.

The pompous jerk was a high roller, rumored to be someone of importance. I didn’t know how he’d made his money and I didn’t care. Never asking questions was made perfectly clear when I was hired. Even if a huge celebrity that I had a crush on walked into the casino, I was required to pretend like I didn’t know who they were. The term what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas was strictly applied.

That didn’t mean I hadn’t created my own personal jerk-o-meter to identify the real assholes.

As I waited to see whether he would accept my offer or not, Samuel snorted. “Last round.”

“We’re closing early?” The private parties usually continued until the wee hours of the morning, which meant an exhausting next day but was well worth the money.

“Mr. Torino has a meeting,” he said gruffly, folding his thick arms across his massive chest.
