Page 90 of The Consigliere

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I jerked the car to the right. Then suddenly the car stopped moving.

And the only sound was the silent cascade of drips.

Gasping, I immediately reached for her, trying to focus on anything. Somehow by the grace of God, we’d landed right side up. The lights were still on, but steam covered a good portion of the view outside the broken windshield. “Madisen.”

There was no movement, no breath sounds. Rage tore through me and I ripped at my seatbelt. Then I realized the fucker who’d run us off the road had stopped only a few hundred feet away.


When she finally mumbled, I breathed a sigh of relief. “I’m not leaving you, baby. Just stay right there. Okay?” There was no fire that I could see, no stench of gasoline. I had to take another risk and it almost gutted me.

“Don’t… Danny, don’t… go.”

“I gotta, baby, or they’ll finish what they started.” There were no words of comfort that would matter at this point. I had to put a stop to this now. My weapon had dropped in my lap and I grabbed it, forced to take a deep breath from a stab of pain. It was likely I had at least one broken rib but that couldn’t matter.

As I struggled with the door, finally forced to kick it open, I heard her labored breathing and made another promise that I would kill the motherfucker who’d done this to her with my bare hands.

I tumbled to the ground, the roar of the engine down the road giving me the adrenaline rush to get to a standing position. Then I limped forward, keeping the weapon in both hands. I moved to the center of the road, holding the gun chest high.

Then I waited.

The driver slowed briefly. Then the bastard accelerated. While the lights were blinding, I refused to take my eyes off the prize.

After all, I was a crack shot.

As he came closer, I refused to budge. Closer still. When he was exactly where I wanted, I fired off three shots in a row. He kept coming. I fired again. Then I was forced to jump back as he roared by me.

Then I watched with a smile on my face as the driver lost control.

Or maybe the fucker was already dead.

Either way, as the vehicle crossed the road easily at sixty miles per hour, the chunk of steel flew off the ravine by a solid fifty yards before taking a nosedive. I turned around, even grinning when I heard the explosion.

Then I ripped at the passenger door, using what strength I had left to jerk it open.

“Danny.” To see the smile on her face meant everything to me. She reached for my face, still taking shallow breaths.

Forced to cut the seatbelt, once I did, I made certain she didn’t appear to have a spinal injury before easing her into my arms. Then I heard another roar of engines and exhaled.

“The cavalry is coming, baby.”

“That’s what you are. A one-man killing machine.”

I laughed because I knew she was giving me a compliment.

She pressed her hand against my chest, her fingers wrapping around my shirt. “We need to stop doing this.”

As I lowered my head, the headlights of the three vehicles crossing both lanes of the road highlighted the men walking toward us. “From here on out everything will be calm and easy.”

“Don’t make promises you can’t keep.”

“Jesus Christ,” Gio huffed as he closed the distance. “You’re like a one-man demolition team.”

“I do what has to be done,” I told him.

“I wouldn’t want to be on your bad side.” He scratched his head. “Gonna take a while to clean up the mess.”

“Don’t bother. Let the authorities have a fun-filled day.” I noticed Mike was hesitant as he approached, stopping a couple of feet away.
