Page 95 of The Consigliere

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The small house Zach lived in was nestled in a comfy community of older residents. He’d never invited anyone from the team to his house, although none of us had the kind of relationship that would lend itself to anything other than grabbing an occasional beer after work.

What I hadn’t expected was seeing kid’s toys on the front lawn.

“What the fuck?” Francesco asked quietly as we approached the otherwise manicured yard.

Zach had said nothing about having a family nor had it shown up in the records he’d provided, or the investigation performed on his background.

“This changes things,” I told him as I scanned the area. While it was almost dark outside, the last hint of sunlight highlighted the quaint neighborhood where it seemed everyone enjoyed working on their yards. His house was no exception, flowers thriving in both the landscaped areas in front of the house as well as in the two ornate pots located on the front porch.

The care that was taken with the flowers also indicated a woman’s touch.


“What are you going to do?”

What I wouldn’t do was murder a man in front of his wife and children. “We talk.”

“Are you serious?”

“I learned a long time ago that the most precious things in life can make a man do crazy things.”

“You’re a better man than me,” Francesco muttered.

“When you find someone you care about, it’ll all make sense.”

“So Madisen is that person?”

There was genuine interest in his tone, not condemnation. “She is. In fact, she’s everything.”

“Then maybe one day I’ll find the right woman for me.”

I threw him a look. “You will, kid. You will. Just follow my lead.” There was always a chance the exterior had been created for appearances and nothing more, but I had a sense that Zach’s reality was something entirely different.

I knocked on the door, taking a step back. Then I heard a child’s laughter. A sharp pang formed in my gut, one that I couldn’t ignore.

When the door was opened, Zach’s face immediately fell. “I’ll be right back, Betsy.” Zach stepped outside, his expression an easy indication he knew his treachery had been discovered.

I said nothing at first, even turning around to face the yard. The tension was palpable, but I afforded him the time to confess to his sins.

“How did you find out?” he finally asked at least two minutes later.

“You forget the power I control within the office. I have the ability to find out every secret, no matter how much the person attempts to hide his or her reality.”

He shuddered audibly. “I didn’t have a choice.”

“Meaning?” I threw a look over my shoulder.

“My sister needed help. She has two kids, one of them autistic. Her worthless husband is in prison and she can’t take care of the children.”

“Did you sell your soul before or after you applied for a job?” My question was devoid of emotion.

“I didn’t know who you were or anything about you. I was offered cash to start a job. Who does that?” Zach half laughed, the sound filled with anxiety.

“Yes, who does that?”

“You don’t understand the medical bills Billy is facing. Betsy doesn’t have insurance. She almost lost the house and social services were breathing down her neck. I couldn’t get a job anywhere.”
