Page 98 of The Consigliere

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“More killing?” As soon as the words slipped from my mouth, I regretted them. I finally understood what he was up against, the danger that remained. “I’m sorry, Danny. I honestly don’t mean any disrespect.”

“None taken, my little minx. I never lied to you about my life. Killian O’Rourke will face my wrath for what he did to you and to my team. That is the way of half of my world. The other is saving lives. Do the two conflict with each other? Yes, but maybe it keeps me balanced. What you’ve brought into my life is the ability and desire to balance the two. I owe you so much.”

“I owe you my life. You already grabbed my heart years ago.”

As the pilot touched down, I nestled my head against his shoulder. “I love you, Daniel Briggs.”

“And I love you, baby. Things will get easier.”

“Because my hero will make it so.”

“I’m no hero. Just a man who finally has his priorities straight.”

He lifted my head, gripping the side of my face. As he pressed his lips against mine, I swooned like I did the first time he tasted my mouth. He’d turned being dominant into an art form, capturing my mouth as if taking me hostage. I adored the way every sound he made was predatory, especially during a passionate kiss.

The whir of the helicopter blades began to slow and I sensed he wasn’t interested in letting me go just yet. Even the way he held me was more possessive, his hunger knowing no bounds. Every inch of my body tingled from his touch alone, the electricity skyrocketing between us as he dominated my tongue.

There was no telling how long the intimate moment had lasted, but we both finally heard the pilot clearing his throat.

“We’ve landed, Mr. Briggs. I checked and the jet is ready to take off when you are.”

“Thanks, Nick. We’ll be right there.”

He grinned and wiped my mouth with his thumb before sliding it into his mouth, purposely rolling his eyes in the back of his head.

“You’re incorrigible,” I told him as I unfastened the seatbelt.

“You haven’t seen anything yet. Come on. Your chariot awaits.”

As he pulled me toward the door, ignoring the ladder and jumping to the concrete, I gave him a look. The man would always be my hero no matter what he believed.

But I hoped that he’d never need to come to my rescue again.

“A helicopter and a jet. You spoil me. However, all you rich dudes are alike.” I couldn’t help taunting him. With the horrors of what we’d experienced over the past week, we both needed some serious downtime and laughter.

I’d yet to be able to process everything that had happened. I wasn’t certain when or if that would happen. But for now, I was determined to shove it inside a box.

“How so?”

“You think you can get the girl by flashing money and fancy things. I’ll have you know that money doesn’t buy this girl.”

He kept a huge grin on his face as I purposely donned my sunglasses before walking up the steps to the jet. There wasn’t a cloud in the rich blue sky. The wind was lightly blowing, tossing curls in my face. As I stood on the landing, for a few seconds I felt like a movie star.

But underneath the posh, beautiful façade was a darkness that would eventually exact a powerful revenge. It felt like only a matter of time.

Unlike a commercial flight, within minutes, the pilot had started the engine, rolling toward the selected runway. As the flight took off, he gripped my hand in his, the warmth keeping my nerves at a minimum.

“I can’t remember the last time I’ve flown,” I said absently. “I’m certain you do it all the time.”

“New York once a month.”

“And your other job? Don’t you fly off to exotic locations?”

He chuckled and loosened his tie. “A few times. Fortunately, there are plenty of socialites, models, actors, and politicians in the state who need our services that international travel is down.”

“Hmmm… You’ve lived a glamorous life while I live paycheck to paycheck.”

“Soon to change.”
