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“Buenos dias!” I said to him, at the door of the little store. Sebastien looked up at me and grinned.

“PreciosaLola,” he said. I smiled sweetly at that.Precious Lola. “How the job?”

“Nada,” I said. “But maybe next time, huh?”

“Mañana,” he said confidently, meaningtomorrowbefore returning to serve a guy.

I put my key in the door and punched in the code, and jogged up the stairs to the top floor of the building. But when I got there, I didn’t go to my apartment. Instead, I walked to the end of the corridor and knocked.

“Just a minute!” yelled a cheery voice.

The door opened, and Sara gave me a hug. Sara wasn’t my oldest friend but we’d known each other for a long time now. And if I was feeling down at all about seeing Alex that day, the sight of my cheerful, gorgeous friend made me smile.

“How did it go, sweetheart?” said Sara. “You been sampling any of that fancy Manhattan food?”

“I wish,” I said. “It’s a nice place. Too fancy for me, though.”

“A girl’s gotta take what she can get these days,” said Sara.

“I have my limits,” I said with a grin, and Sara’s expression changed from happiness to concern.

“Are you okay?” she said. “What, they didn’t want my best friend Lola waitressing in their fancy place? Must not be so fancy after all.”

“Oh, come on!” I said. “I’m not fancy.”

“You must be kidding yourself,hermosa. One of these days, some nice rich man is gonna come and sweep you off those feet of yours.”

“Oh, Sara,” I sighed. She was always so nice to me that way.

“Thanks for taking Macy. How are the kids?”

“Oh, it was no trouble. They’re doing just fine,” said Sara. “Raul’s a little cranky because I made him go to bed early. But Macy’s done all her homework too. MACY!” she yelled. “Your mommy’s here,chica!”

But before she’d even finished talking, I’d heard a tiny pair of feet sprinting to the front door. And before I knew it, I was holding my daughter in my arms, laughing and kissing her dark hair, as she looked up at me with a pair of gorgeous blue eyes.


By the time I’d finished chatting to Sara, got Macy home, and made her dinner, it was 8.00pm. So I got her washed and dressed in her PJs, and carried the sleepy girl to bed.

“What did you do today, Mommy?” said Macy as I curled up on her tiny bed with her. I read her a story each night. Tonight’s tale had been the Princess and the Pea, which Macy almost knew off by heart these days. She was a clever girl, for sure.

“Well, mommy went to a restaurant to see if she wants to work there,” I said.

“Are you gonna?” said Macy.

“Well, it’s a good job, but unfortunately the man who runs it is a bit of a…”

"A gruffalo?” said Macy. It was her favorite book. I couldn’t help but giggle.

“Yeah,” I said, laughing. “Yeah, I guess he is. So I don’t want to work there.”

“Okay,” said Macy. “So what are you gonna do?”

“Oh, hey, don’t worry, baby,” I said. “We’ll find something else. You and me, kiddo? We always come out on top.”

“What else did you do?” asked Macy.

“Well, I got some coffee.”
