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Luca looked at Alex. Then he looked at me. “This thieving bitch…” he snarled.

“Don’t you talk about her that way, you scumbag!” said Zeke.

“You’d better watch who you’re talking to, asshole!” barked Luca. It was like a completely different person had taken over. The suave, slick guy we knew had gone, and in his place was a psychotic madman.

“Luca,” said Alex, “from this point on, you’re no longer operations manager for any of the businesses. I can’t revoke your stake in the company, but under the terms of the investment agreement…”

“Are you serious?” said Luca. “Are you fucking serious?” he repeated.

“I am,” said Alex.

“We are,” said Zeke.

Luca stood there, and suddenly I realized that he was shaking with rage. He took a step towards us.

“You’re gonna regret this, Alex Lowe. I promise you that. And you,” he said, turning on me. “You’re gonna wish you were never born.”

His hands reached out and were almost at my throat when a sound like thunder rang through the room.

“THAT’S ENOUGH!” bellowed Alex. He stepped across the room, and then he was standing between me and Luca.

Luca was breathing hard, and he’d completely freaked out. But even he knew better than to try and tackle Alex, who was twice his size, and a hundred times more fit.

“I’ll be seeing you in court,” he snarled, and turned. I heard him bounding down the stairs.

“Not an ideal end to the week,” murmured Zeke.

I didn’t know what to say. I hung my head, and began to cry.

Chapter 8


“How’souremployeeofthe month doing?” said Zeke.

“Uh, she’s fine,” I said. I was just finishing some work up in the office while Zeke went down and did the briefing for the evening. Lola was still distraught from Luca’s threats.

I couldn’t believe that I hadn’t seen this side of his personality before. It was like a completely different person had appeared from under the good-humored mask he wore.

It seemed to prove everything I knew about human nature. Despite the fact that some people might seem nice, might seem good-natured, they were ultimately fickle. People could change at the drop of a hat especially when you found them out.

“I’m gonna take Lola home,” I told him.

“All right,” said Zeke. “I’m gonna stick around here for a bit.”

I went down to the staff lounge, where Lola was drying her eyes and sipping a cup of coffee. “How are you doing?” I said.

“I’m okay,” Lola said as she stood up.

But I could see from the look in her eyes, her lightly-stained mascara, that she wasn’t okay at all.

“Come on,” I said. “Let’s go.”

“What, are you leaving too?”

“No,” I said. “I’m coming with you.”

I thought she was going to argue with me, thought she was going to say no. But she didn’t. Lola nodded, and wiped the last of the tears away. Her face was red, but she still looked gorgeous as we stepped out onto the street.
