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I rush up the apartment steps, grateful that my landlord and resident pervert doesn’t exit his apartment. Just last week he threatened to raise the rent—like we can afford it, the bastard. Although he did offer me a deal in exchange which I wholeheartedly refused. The man is a twisted pervert. I needed to record our conversations and take it to a lawyer already.

When I get inside, the girls are asleep, which is normal since it’s just after five. I know that January will be up in an hour to head into the news station. She interns for a major news network, but unfortunately it doesn’t pay well and her boss is a big creep, just like mine. Hell, he’s even worse.

Both of our bosses are good looking per se, but hers is television quality who doesn’t smell like grease and debauchery, so he thinks he can get away with more. On top of that, the prick is married.

I strip out of my clothes, slipping an old tee shirt on before I drop my head on the pillow and fall asleep without showering. I’ll wait until after they leave for the day to shower so I don’t disturb them. It’s gross, but I’ll take my sheets to the laundry later. Sometimes, a girl just needs sleep.

When I wake up, everyone is gone so I prepare for the day, showering and getting out one of my three uniforms and ironing it. Luckily, we have a small washer and dryer in the building so I can do a load before I head into work as I need my other uniforms cleaned. My start time isn’t for a while, but there are other things to do before then, like a final I have to finish. One more week of classes, and I’m done.

The door unlocks, and my sister comes in and she’s got a smile on her face. “You got a job,” I squeal.

“Yes,” she says, grinning from ear to ear.

“Sit down and tell me about it.”

We plop down on our dilapidated sofa facing each other with one leg tucked under my ass. She goes on and tells me about the cleaning position. When she gets to the pay, I’m completely shocked, and something about it seems fishy. Maybe I’m being overprotective, but I don’t like the idea at all.

“This doesn’t sound right, June,” I say, pressing my hand on her thigh, hoping she’ll see reason.

“What do you mean, May? It’s a cleaning job. People don’t have time to clean their homes, so they pay someone else to do it and that means they’re willing to pay a lot more for it.”

“Yeah, like once or twice a month. Maybe even once a damn week, but almost all week and for that much money?”

“Well, maybe it’s a freaking big-ass mansion that requires an entire team of people to keep it clean, so it’s just easier to have one person take their time. Or maybe they have a bunch of little kids running around, and they need help to pick up toys or scrub crayon off the wall.”

“Look, I’m not trying to be a naysayer or anything, but I’m just saying when something is just too good to be true… usually, it is.”

“Look, there are jobs that pay almost that much all the damn time. Inflation and the economy have some places paying eighteen bucks to serve food, so it’s not like this is much more. Besides, the agency said the owner works from home and doesn’t want to be disturbed, which means I probably won’t have to deal with them. I’ll be fine.”

“I want you to call me or text me the second you get there. How are you supposed to get there, by the way?”

“That’s the other part.”


“Monday through Thursday, I’d stay in a staff room and then come home on the weekend.” June braces herself as I unleash my tirade.

“What? You’d be a live-in maid?”

“Yeah. People have those.”

“I suppose some people do, but you’re young and beautiful.”

Every time she rolls her eyes at me, I want to pop her in the back of the head. “You think I’m going to be seduced or something?”

“No, but it just sounds too good to be true.”

“Just trust me to handle myself like an adult.”

“Fine, but if it doesn’t work out, I don’t care how much it pays. You’re quitting.” Where is January when I need her? She’d see the suspiciousness of the situation and want to investigate it. That girl has an adventurous spirit, but she’s distrustful.

“Yes, Mother.” I frown, and immediately June feels remorse when it’s me who should feel that way. I think it’s the guy from yesterday who has me questioning my own judgment, and I’m putting it on June.

I go into work around two, and the place is busy. Mr. Coleman pulls me into his office around four when there’s a lull. “We need to speak about last night.” He probably checked the footage and I’m the one he’s going to blame, of course.
