Page 10 of Demanded Submission

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When he finally opened his eyes, there was fire in them unlike anything I’d ever seen. He took one step in my direction, and I took one step back. Then he took another, and I countered with two. The expression on his face changed, the look in his eyes dark and temptingly dangerous. I’d never been as attracted to anyone as I was at that moment.

It was as if I’d drawn a line in the sand and I’d dared him to cross it.

With a single long stride out of the blue, he had both his massive hands wrapped around my wrists, yanking them free of my face. When he pulled me onto my tiptoes, dragging me closer, all I could think about was how it would feel to kiss his lips. I licked mine and he exhaled, his heated breath blasting across my face.

“You shouldn’t have done that, Alexandra.” If his voice got any deeper, he’d suck me straight into a vacuum lined with velvet.

“Why is that?”

“Because those who do pay for their sins.” He brought me even closer, his chest heaving.

“So, I’m a sinner?” I whispered.

“The worst kind.”

“So what punishment do I deserve?” I arched my back, barely able to keep my eyes off his full lips.

“One befitting the crime.” He lowered his head until our lips were just a tiny inch apart. The man smelled of citrus and sandalwood, spices and a hint of the ocean, the combination creating a firestorm of need deep within.

Somewhere in the back of my mind I knew this wasn’t a good idea. It was obvious so did he, but God help me, I’d never wanted another man as much as I wanted him. He made me feel more alive than I had in my entire adult life.

“Then I’ll accept your punishment.”

“Good. Girl.” As he crushed his mouth over mine, an immediate explosion of sensations rocketed through me. My mind soared into the stratosphere as he tempted my lips, his hold strong and dominating. When he slipped his tongue past my lips, I heard a rumble, a growl coming from deep inside his chest.

He released one wrist, allowing me to press my fingers against his chest. I’d wanted to slide my fingers under his shirt since the moment I’d been able to focus. I tangled my fingers in his few chest hairs, tingling all over. In turn, he wrapped his hand around the back of my neck, grinding his hips back and forth.

Holy cow, he was huge. My mouth watered at the thought of wrapping my lips around his cockhead while a portion of my brain tried to figure out if he’d fit in my tight pussy. His hold was even more possessive, his fingertips digging into my skin. I managed to unfasten another button, dragging my fingernail down from the base of his neck.

The kiss was exquisite, the taste incredible, the hint of peppermint refreshing. He swept his tongue through my mouth, taking his time to explore. But seconds later, I sensed his need increasing, the electricity surging between us.

I was breathless, my pussy aching as much as my heated bottom. I wanted this man. I needed to feel his cock buried deep inside.

Seconds later he broke the kiss, immediately ripping the tee shirt over my head. Then the two of us were in frenzy to remove our clothing. When he was finished, he stalked toward me, cupping and squeezing my breasts.

The look in his eyes was indescribable, as if the man was preparing to partake in a feast of all his favorite foods. I allowed my gaze to fall down the length of him, moaning as I gorged visually in the sight of his cock. It was a thing of beauty, the tip purple, the thick veins on the sides throbbing much like the cords in his muscular neck. When I wrapped my hand around it, my fingers barely came together because of the thickness. I was enthralled, stroking all the way to the base.

He issued a throaty growl and I purred in return, my mind blown by the fact we were doing this. Crazy. I was a crazy girl, but nothing would stop me from enjoying time with the gorgeous man.

When he dropped his head, pulling me onto my toes once again, I threw my head back, laughing nervously. As he pulled my nipple into his mouth, I closed my eyes, still swooning from being in his hold. How could anything feel better than this?

He took his time sucking then swirling his tongue around my hardened bud. Every sound he made kept the butterflies swarming, so animalistic that I knew the man planned on devouring me. He rolled his lips to my other breast, dragging his tongue underneath before outlining my nipple with the tip before engulfing it completely. This time, he bit down, the flash of pain oh-so delicious.

Moans slipped past my lips as lights flashed in my field of vision. I was floating on a cloud, no longer recognizing myself, so uninhibited I was worried I’d do a freefall.

Jameson’s actions became rougher, squeezing my breasts until vibrations jetted down to my toes. When he finally lifted his head, his eyes appeared dilated from extreme lust. I was taken aback at how wolfish they seemed, the dimming sunlight refracting off the now darkened color.

He lifted me into his arms, cradling my bottom. I entwined my feet, tangling my fingers in his hair as he took several steps. I was shocked when he tumbled us over the back of the couch, laughing as he managed to roll me over so he was on top. I couldn’t help but be thankful the posh leather was oversized, or the larger-than-life man wouldn’t fit.

His grin was dark, almost demonic, and as he rose onto his elbows, peering down at me, I was struck by how close I felt to him. That wasn’t really possible and this certainly wasn’t about anything but the simplicity of what we were doing, the joy of sharing passion, but that was fine by me.

“You are so beautiful, Alexandra. Don’t ever allow anyone to make you feel otherwise. Do you hear me?”

“I do. You make me feel beautiful.”

He captured my mouth as he’d done before, using his knees to push aside my legs, pressing his shaft against my aching pussy.

I was so wet, my nipples already tender and swollen. As I raked my fingers over his shoulder, another tickling series of sensations rolled through me. When I eased my other hand between us, he lifted his body, allowing me to slide the tip against my swollen pussy lips.
