Page 102 of Demanded Submission

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I doubted I’d get over being antsy and nervous any time soon. Maybe that was the entire point. In order to become his good little girl, I would need the heightened anticipation.

As I expected, he kept me waiting, allowing me to wrestle with demons inside, questioning why I’d gone off halfcocked in heading to the condo. I’d been lucky.

When Jameson finally entered the room, he remained quiet, walking behind me. I sensed he was selecting an implement. I’d learned that he kept several in one of his drawers. I could only imagine what today’s choice would be.

My nerves continued to increase, and an insane urge to laugh bubbled to the surface. I’d actually started requesting to be spanked like a bad girl. Never in my wildest dreams would I have anticipated doing something so… crazy.

When I heard a drawer close and his footsteps, every muscle tensed. Now I felt exactly like that bad girl longing for forgiveness.

He was completely silent, which made tiny goosebumps pop all over my skin. Yet as he caressed my back, taking his time sliding the pads of his fingers down my spine, nervousness turned into swooning.

“Do you realize what could have happened when you disobeyed me the other day?”

“Yes, sir.”

He tapped my bottom, hearing the slight hint of rebelliousness. It was ingrained in my system. “I can see we have a long way to go before you understand the word ‘consequences’ but I’ll make certain to remind you from time to time. Hands over your head, gripping the edge of the desk.”

I obeyed him without hesitation, closing my eyes and taking a deep breath. When the first strike came, the dull echo surprised me, the pain immediately more than I’d experienced before. Yelping, I pushed up from the desk, immediately realizing I’d broken the rules.

Jameson said nothing, merely pushing his hand against the small of my back, rubbing his thumb up and down until I settled against the cool wood. Then he started again.

But by the third or fourth brutal smack, I realized he had a thick piece of wood in his hand. Wait a minute. I was being spanked by a paddle? The thought was both scintillating and slightly offensive. Didn’t they used to use paddles in school in ancient times?

“That’s it. As I said, you can be a good girl when you want to be.”

I cringed inside while my pussy reacted to every strike of the thick wood, clenching far too many times. If I wasn’t careful, I’d orgasm right here and now. The thought was as embarrassing as it was the first time but was becoming the norm. Maybe it was all about the man providing the discipline.

When he issued four in rapid succession, my mind drifted into a fabulous place of peace. Although the anguish was insufferable, I knew it would be over soon enough. He continued the round of discipline for at least another ten or twelve smacks, enough I’d lost count, my bottom on fire.

Strangely enough, I wasn’t even aware he’d finished until he’d gathered me into his arms, cupping my breasts tenderly. As he nuzzled into my neck, the endorphins kicked in and I was swaying on my feet, so wet I was terrified I’d stained the surface of his desk.

“Perhaps later we can talk,” he murmured.

“Mmmm… always.”

“You did very well. I’m proud of you.”

His praise almost made me giggle. My emotions were still all over the place. “Thank you, sir.”

“Why don’t you get dressed and we can talk a walk on the beach.” He turned me around and brushed hair from my shoulders.

“Is something wrong?”

“Nothing is wrong, baby. When I’m around you, nothing could be. I’ll grab us a couple glasses of wine. Meet me on the beach when you’re ready.”

When he moved away, giving me privacy, I was certain he was going to break off the relationship. A dull ache already formed in my heart, so much so it was difficult to catch my breath. I hadn’t considered that what we’d shared, the trouble he’d been forced to go to because of my reckless behavior would finally be too much to handle.

As I slipped into my dress, the material scratching my bruised bottom almost immediately, I was shocked that he’d end our… fling now. No, I couldn’t call it a fling. Or should I? I hated second guessing myself, but at this point, I couldn’t handle a breakup. If that’s what he’d call it.

After easing my panties over my hips, I fluffed my hair with my fingers, determined to keep from becoming emotional. There was no reason to. I was a big girl and could handle anything. Well, almost.

I moved to the deck, shielding my eyes from the late afternoon sun with my hand as I searched for him. He was standing inches away from the water, which was the first time I’d seen him bother to step foot on the sand. Something was definitely wrong. I moved down the stairs, tossing my sandals on the steps before heading toward him.

When I moved beside him, he didn’t acknowledge my presence at first. “Jameson?”

It took a full five seconds before he realized I was there, trying to shake off his odd behavior with a smile. “I’m sorry. Here’s your wine. Let’s walk.”

“Why don’t you just tell me what’s going on. I mean if you’re going to break up with me, go ahead and rip that bandage off. I can take it. Well, I’m not certain I can take it. I’ll probably shatter into a dozen pieces, but that won’t be in front of you. Nosiree.” I was doing it again, so nervous I was prattling on.
