Page 105 of Demanded Submission

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Finally, Jacob nodded yet remained where he was.

“This is for you, little man. You have an entire room full of toys.” This wasn’t going so well. He continued to stare at me. “Do you like the ocean? I live on the water.”

He nodded, allowing his gaze to fall to the bear. Then he tentatively reached out, taking it from my hand and cradling it against his chest.

“It’s okay, Jacob,” Beverly said softly. “He’s really your daddy.”

He turned his little head toward her then looked at me again. And in a flash, he flew into my arms, wrapping one of his around my neck, still clutching the bear. As I rose to a standing position, I was rewarded with a giggle.

“You’re big.”

I laughed, smiling at Beverly. “Why, yes, I am. I have a feeling you’re going to be huge.”


“Yes, sir. How about we go home? Would you like that?”

“Do I get my own room?”

“You certainly do. Now, I want you to meet someone very special.”


As I walked out into the sunshine, not a cloud in the blue sky, I realized that I was a very lucky man. The love of my life beamed, walking toward us slowly, tears in her eyes. There would be difficulties and tragedies, concerns and fights, but we’d handle everything that came our way.

As a family.

The End
