Page 13 of Demanded Submission

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“I’m your boss.”

“So the fuck what?”

“You’re fired.”

“You make me laugh.”

I shook my head, finally able to grin. He had a way of carving through the bullshit with both my garbage and with every person who walked through our hallowed doors. That’s why he was so good at what he did, his observation skills keen. His glare remained and I knew how the man operated. He wouldn’t leave until I tossed something juicy in his direction.

“Fine. I did something terrible.”

“Like soon to be in prison terrible or I should lock down the club in case the cartel shows up terrible?”

“Well, pretty bad.” I laughed at his suggestion. There could be a little bit of both.

“What did you do?”

“I saved a girl’s life.” The admittance brought an exaggerated breath from deep inside my chest.

He narrowed his eyes, his brow furrowing. “Call me crazy but the last time I checked, saving someone’s life was a good thing, possibly heroic. I’m not sure where this could end up being something terrible.”

“Yeah, well, you don’t know the rest.” I gulped more, hoping the burn of the liquor would help but it was too smooth.

“That’s what you’re going to confess. Just think of me as your priest.”

“Funny. So damn funny.” Sighing, I couldn’t seem to get Alexandria’s face out of my mind. She was beautiful, far too much so and in my mind forbidden. I knew there were relationships with huge age gaps, but I wasn’t that kind of guy. Wait. Relationship? Oh, hell, no. I had no intentions of ever getting involved with anyone again under any circumstances. It wasn’t just about Alexandra’s age or her obvious vulnerability.

I simply had no further desire for commitment.

“What else?” he prodded.

After easing into my office chair, I sat back, staring up at the ceiling. “She was involved in a car accident. She almost got herself killed by jumping in front of the driver as he sped away from the scene.”


“I jumped in and pushed her aside.”

“Like I said before, I don’t see the issue.”

“For one thing,” I said as I thought about the condo her cousin supposedly owned, “the car was registered to Diego Santiago.”

“Oh, shit. That’s interesting.”

“And she wants to press charges.”

“Don’t blame her; however, doesn’t she know who Diego is?”

“She’s from Montana. Just moved here.”

“Hmmm…” He scratched the scruff on his jaw. “I assume you explained it to her.”

“It didn’t come up.”

“You obviously think there’s an issue.”

“Well, she’s living with some girl at the Perigon. The penthouse.”

“Fuck me. Doesn’t Santiago have a stake in that building?”
