Page 15 of Demanded Submission

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“Hello, sunshine!”

Charlotte blew into the condo as she always did, dramatic and on fire. One day, I hoped to have the same confidence she did.

I glanced over my shoulder as I grabbed the carton of ice cream, surprised to see her home so early. She wasn’t dressed in her usual fancy attire, dresses I would kill to wear let alone own. While she’d told me I could borrow anything in her closet more than once, there was no reason to wear something so exquisite. I had no boyfriend, no parties to attend.

Now I didn’t have a car.

“You’re home early,” I muttered as I grabbed a bowl from the cabinet, still sulking.

“Not much going on tonight. I figured we could order in pizza and have a girls’ night in.” She moved into the kitchen, immediately grabbing a bottle of wine from the counter, peering over my shoulder as I scooped out three spoonfuls of the gooey delight. “I hope that’s in celebration of getting the job.”

“Hell, no. The fuckers were assholes. I told them so too. Then they had security escort me out of the building.”

“Ouch. Are you kidding?”

“Nope. I lost it bigtime.”

She laughed, the sound something I’d remembered from before. The gesture was one of the few aspects about her that remained the same. Everything else about her had changed. Her hair color. Her attire. Her attitude. Even the way she carried herself was laced with a hint of arrogance. The gorgeous condominium she’d invited me to stay in wasn’t a true reflection of her. It was too… perfect. However, I couldn’t look a gift horse in the mouth. I was lucky I wasn’t on the street.

“I’ll give you points for flair,” she said.

I was content with feeling sorry for myself, swiping my finger through the frigid deliciousness. The moment I brought it to my mouth, I thought of the insanely gorgeous man who’d… I would never be able to get over the embarrassment of being spanked. Ever. “It was almost worth it seeing the shocked looks on their faces. I thought the toupee was going to drop off one of the guy’s heads. Granted, I’d thought about yanking it off and feeding it to the other Garanimals in the room.”

“Whoa. I don’t think I’ve ever seen you this…spicy,” she purred as she swiveled her hips. “Are you sure something else didn’t happen?”

Nothing much other than Thor saved my life then tossed me over his shoulder for good measure, spanking and fucking me like a wild animal.Yeah, that would go over well.

“Isn’t that enough for one day?”

She gave me a fake frown, batting her long eyelashes. “I’m sorry, cuz. You’ll find a job.”

“I know. It’s just so depressing. Moving here was a bad idea.”

“Don’t say that,” Charlotte encouraged. “You needed to get away.”

She knew enough of the reason I’d agreed to her offer to live with her within seconds of me getting her on the phone. “Yeah, I know.” I hated that I was so transparent, a trait I’d done everything to bury.

“Well, I might be able to help,” Charlotte said almost in passing as if it was a trivial idea.

“Meaning what?”

There was a hint of resignation on her face. “Meaning I know some people who would give you a job.”

“As a waitress? A teacher?”

Everything about her laugh was entirely different. “Oh, God, no. Do you think I’m living here in this fabulous condo based on the income from being a waitress? And why are you so intent on becoming a teacher?”

“Maybe because that’s what I studied in college.”

She wrinkled her nose. “Bo-ring. You deserve an exciting life, girl, especially after everything you’ve been through.”

“Then what are you suggesting?”

I hated when she shrugged, as if she was blowing off my obvious concern. “Running errands for some powerful people.”

“What kind of errands?”
